16 Cards in this Set
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1: Consists of two atria and a single ventricle
4: Oxygenated blood leaves here via pulmonary veins
5: Production and storage of blood cells
6: Unspecialized / Retains food items from 8-24 hours / Food mixes with gastric secretions here
7: Additional secretions are made here (aid in digestion)
2: Bile is produced here (aids in digestion)
3: Temporaily stores liver bile
Gall Bladder
9: Food passes into here before moving on
Small Intestine
12: Chemical digestion and absorption of water occurs here
Large Intestine
10; Eliminate nitrogenous waste from digestion of proteins / Maintains salt content in body cells
13: Waste products drained from kidney are stored here / Is an outgrowth of the cloaca (Opening of contents of digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems in amphibians)
Urinary Bladder
14: Lined with smooth muscle and contracts to move eggs to cloaca / Glandular lining secretes jelly-like secretions around eggs (In some amphibians, fertilization is internal and occurs here)
15: Contains ovisacs (posterior end of the oviducts) where this mass is stored (External fertilization only)
Egg Mass
NOT SHOWN: In males, carries sperm from testes to cloaca (Dependent on amphibian group)
Mesonpehric Duct (Vas Deferens)
8: Source of nutrients for gonads / Largest prior to hibernation and are smallest just after breeding season
Fat Bodies
NOT SHOWN: Transfers sperm from male to female and is ONLY present in caecilians and one species of frog
Intromittant organ to the Mesonephric Duct (Vas Deferens)