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Tropical disturbances
Mid Latitude Cyclones
from 35°to 75° Responsible for much of the mid latitude weather Diameter 1000miles, Pressure 990-1000mb Counter Clockwise
3-6 days
Mid Latitude anticyclone
Divergent air No fronts Clear and dry Strong winds
Easterly waves
Long weak low pressure system 5°-30°
Major Tropical Disturbances
Hurricanes typhoons cyclones.
Types of storms
Tropical depression-less than 33 knots (38MPH) Tropical Storm-33-63 knots(39-73) Hurricane-63 knots(73+)
Hurricane origins
Only form over warm oceans in tropics Water temp>80°F to a depth of 160 Ft They are intense centers of low pressure
a) Duration and Seasonality of Hurricains
Most develop in late summer/early fall
Saffer-Simpson scale
Used to track Hurricanes Ranges from 1-5
Localized Sever weather
Thunderstorms Tornados
1) Thunderstorms
Violent Convective Storm Cumulonimbus Clouds (big clouds) Instability High humidity
Three Stages of Thunderstorms
Cumulus-Up draft prevails cloud grows tall Mature-Down draft causes water to leave Dissipating-Down Draft(from the rain fall) dominates causes the rain to end
1) Lightning
Can heat air to 10,000°C All over the world there are 6,000 flashes a minute + goes to the top and – to the bottom moves at 5 sec/ miles
1) Tornadoes
100mb difference from surrounding air Wind Speeds of greater than 300 MPH
Origin of Tornadoes
Causes air to roll along a horizontal axis Strong up draft in a Super Cell thunderstorm Develops to a Mesocyclone Vertical cyclone of rotation air
Enhances Fujita Scale
Used to Measure Tornadoes EF1-5 EF 5 have- 322 mph winds
4 great oceans
Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic
Water Distribution
Oceans are 97.2% 2% is in Glaciers .5% is underground
Salinity varies worldwide from 3.4 to 3.7% The Average is 3.5% Brine is >3.5 Brackish is <3.5 99% of all solutes in ocean water are 7 elements
Water Structure
Surface layer Mixing zone (2%)-same temp at SL Thermocline transition zone (18%)- temp dose change with depth Deep Cold zone (18%) – dark no solar energy no temp change as a result
Tide Timing
Two complete Cycles take 24 hours and 50 min to complete Water rises 6hrs and 13 min The rise is called the flood tide Water drops gradually 6hrs and 13 min Tidal Range: difference between the two tides.
Tidal Cycle
Highest tide: when all are positioned in a line Called spring tide Lowest tide when they are at right angles Called the neap tide (lowest high tide
Thermohailine circulation
Deccrease in temp = increase in density Increase in temp = decrease in density
El Nino-Southern Oscillation
Around Christmas West to East Every 3-7years A change in pressure patterns prevent Upwelling and warm water builds off the coast of S. America.
La Nina pattern (normal pattern to the extreme)
Stronger trade winds Pulls more warm surface water to the west East to west Upwelling causes extremely cold water off west coast of South America
Koppen system
Numerically based Zone Boundaries determined by vegetation as a proxy fro true boundaries Includes Mean annual and monthly temp and precipitation 5 major groups called the modified Koppen system
Letter code
One to three letters First letter is the group Second letter: usually ppt Third: usually temp
Horizontal Distribution
The different climate classes are sorted horizontally by Temperture
Group A
Tropical Humid Climates Generally Within 20 degrees N and S Noted for lack of coldness not extreme Heat Winterless ITCZ critical for the three subdivisions
Subdivisions of A group
Af-Tropical wet climates, from 10 degrees N or S, No seasonality, tropical rain forest Aw- Tropical Savana, Most extensive of the A group, Lair after Af, 30 degrees N and S, ITCZ over Aw in Summer, Subtropical High pressure in winter Am- Tropical monsoon climates, Enormous ppt is summer…
Group B
Dry Climates-Cover about 30% of all land area Occur in: High pressure, away from water, cold currents, lee-sides of Mountains Balance between ppt and evapotranspiration
Group B occurs in:
High pressure areas away from water, cold currents lee-sides of Mountains
Group C
Midlattidue Climates Seasonal Contrast Variation in Temp is due to air mass contrast Ppt is relativity constant
Mediteranian - Csa, Csb
Western side of continents 35Degrees more ppt in winter (inverse of whats normal) Clear skies and sunshine
Humid subtropical-Cwa, Cfa
Easternside of continents Tuscaloosa is a Cfa Hot and Humid, winter is affected by midlattitude cyclones
Group D
Severe mid lat climates From 40 degrees to 70 (only in North Hemisphere) Continental (little maritime influence) Large annual temp range and seasonality Types: Humid continental climates, Subarctic climates
Group E
Polar climates -coldest on earth below 50°F all year Not arid- evapotranspiration is low Types: Tundra and Ice cap
Group H
Highland climates Lattidude become less important in these climates b/c of elevation ELR: 3.6°F/1000ft S/W are hot dry, N/E are cool and moist
The Tierra's
Tierra: Caliente-hot Templada- Temperate Fria_ cold Helada- Frozen
Study of past climates Used Dendrochronoly, Pollen analysis, Ice coreing,
IPCC 2007 Report
Temps are up 1.37Degrees since 1850 Since 1974 sea ice is on the decline 7.4%/ decade CO2 is >380 ppm

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