Study Guide: Exam 3
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Functions of the muscular system (4)
Locomotion, facial expression, posture, regulation of body temperature
Origin definition
The place where the muscle strts on a bone- stays stationary (fixed end of muscle)
The place where the muscle ends on bone- moves toward the origin (movable end of muscle)
Rigid bar --> bone
Fixed point around which the right bar (bone) moves --> joint
First class levers and Example
(LFE) = Load, Fulcrum, Effort
Ex: Load=Head pulling down, Fulcrum=Temporal, Effort=Muscle pulling head back
Second class levers and Example
(FLE)= Fulcrum, Load, Effort
Ex: No examples found in the body
Third class levers and Example
(FEL)- Fulcrum, Effort, Load.
Ex: Most common type of lever in the body. Very inefficient energetically but yields controllable movements. F=Fulcrum, E= Bicep Brachii, L=Weight in hand
Movement to reduce or increase the angle between articulating bones at a joint in the anterior/posterior plane
Movement away or toward the longitudinal axis (or midline) of the body in the frontal plane
Combination of adduction/abduction and flexion/extension such that the distal end of a limb moves in a circle
Rotation: Medial (internal) rotation & Lateral (external) rotation
Refers to the movement away from the long axis of the trunk
Movement of a part of the body anteriorly or posteriorly in the horizontal body plane. (Mandible, clavicles, scapula)
Movement of a part of the body superiorly or inferiorly in the frontal body plane (Mandible, scapula, clavicle)
Dorsiflexion/Plantar flexion
Flexion and extension of the foot at the ankle.
Dorsiflexion=flexion of the dorsal surface of the foot
Plantar flexion=flexion of the plantar surface of the foot
-Plantar surface=sole of the foot
Inversion- movement of the foot such that the plantar surface is turned inward
Eversion- movement of the foot such that the plantar surface is turned outward
Movement of the forearm such that the palms face anteriorly or posteriorly
The palm is supinated in standard anatomical position-palms face anteriorly
Pronation-palms face posteriorly
Agonist and Example
Muscle primarily responsible for the movement. Example: Biceps brachii. Ex2: Deltoid
Antagonist and Example
Muscle which opposes the action of the agonist. Example: Triceps brachii. Ex2: Latissimus dorsi
Synergist and Example
Assists the agonist in making the action more efficient. Example: Brachialis. Ex2: Supraspinatus
Fixator and Example
Special synergists which help to prevent movement at muscle origin. Example: Trapezius
Skeletal Muscle Functions (5)
1. Skeletal movement (locomotion) 2. Posture and body position (facial expression) 3. Support 'soft tissues' (gut) 4. Guard entrances and exits to the body 5. Maintain body temperature
Cellular and Subcellular Skeletal Muscle Structure
1. Muscle cells are FIBERS
-arise from fusion or MYOBLASTS
Skeletal muscle fiber structure has three functional levels of organization. Structure ONE.
1. Plasma membrane=SARCOLEMMA. Surrounds cytoplasm=SARCOPLASM. TRANSVERSE TUBULES (T-tubules) arise from sarcolemma.
Skeletal muscle fiber structure has three functional levels of organization. Structure TWO.
2. Sarcoplasmic Recticulum (SMOOTH ER). Close in location to T-tubules. Surrounds myofibrils.
Skeletal muscle fiber structure has three functional levels of organization. Structure THREE.
3. Myofibrils. Longitudinal bundles or protein filaments=ACTIN & MYOSIN. Highly organized into repeating units=SARCOMERES.
Functional Unit of Contraction Elements
Thin Filament
Unit of contraction in sarcomere. Attached to Z line (Z disc). Composed of two helically arranged strands of ACTIN.
Thick Filament
Unit of contraction in the sarcomere. Spans the distance between thin filaments. Composed of a highly organized array of MYOSIN molecules. Myosin head has ATPase activity when bound to actin.
The third myofilament of striated muscle. Largest known protein. Stores energy during shortening and then assists in returning the sarcomere to its resting length
Sliding Filament Model of Muscle Contraction (3)
1. Myosin "heads" bind to actin to form a CROSSBRIDGE. 2. Conformational change, energized by ATP hydrolysis, causes thin filaments to SLIDE along thick filaments. 3. Myosin head groups release, form new crossbridges, and the sliding cycle repeats
End result of filament model of muscle contraction
Z-Lines move toward one another. Sarcomere length decreases. Muscle fiber shortens.
As Thick/thin filament overlap increases...
-I band width gets narrower
-A band widths remains constant
Crossbridge Cycling
Cycle is entered following exposure of myosin binding sites on the actin thin filament. (Regulatory role for Ca2+)
Crossbridge Cycling Step One
a. ATP has already bound to the myosin head
b. This ATP is hydrolyzed by the unbound head, and the released energy results in a "cocking" of the head group.(ADP and Pi remain bound to the cocked head).
c. Myosin head group binds to ac…
Crossbridge Cycling Step Two
After binding, ADP and Pi are released and the head group 'pivots' back toward original orientation. When the ATP is hydrolyzed->release of energy trapped. The thin filament "slides" past the thick filament.
Crossbridge Cycling Step Three
ATP binds to the myosin head group -->breaking of crossbridge. The attaches head group-->RIGOR COMPLEX. The detached head group then hydrolyzes the ATP
Sequence of Events of Excitation-Contraction Coupling
1. Electrical signal transmitted from a motoneuron to a skeletal muscle fiber
2. Triggers a release of Ca2+ from SR
3. Ca2+ binds to a regulartory proteins of thin filament, thereby permitting crossbridges to form. (crossbridge cycling results in tension development) 4. Removal of Ca2+ …
The 'Electrical Signal'
Neuromuscular Transmission!
1. Activation of SKELETAL muscle is VOLUNTARY. Requires a signal from the central nervous system (CNS). Signal results in an electrical impulse along a motoneuron that arrives at the NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION
The Neuromuscular Junction Key Points (4)
1. Synaptic vesicles of NMJ contain NEUROTRANSMITTER, ACETYLCHOLINE (ACh)
2. ACh released from synaptic terminal, diffuses across synaptic cleft & binds to ACh receptor. 3. The activated ACh receptor permits Na+ to enter muscle at motor endplate, producing an ACTION POTENTIAL along sarco…
Release of Ca2+ from the SR (5)
1. AP runs along sarcolemma, continues into T-tubule
2. Triggers release of Ca2+ from SR
3. Ca 2+ binds to regulatory proteins on thin filament. MYOSIN BINDING SITE GETS EXPOSED.
5. Crossbridges form->tension generated
Relaxation- Sequenstration of Ca2+
1. When APs stop arriving at the NMJ, the 'trigger' to release Ca2+ from the SR stops.
2. Active Ca2+ transporters in the SR membrane pump Ca2+ back into the SR. CYTOPLASMIC[CA2+] DECREASES. 3. As [Ca]cyto falls, Ca comes off regulatory proteins- the myosin binding sites covered. 4. Cros…
The molecular/cellular basis of the length-tension relationship
Tension is proportional to cross-bridge function
How do we know that formation of crossbridges is responsible for the generation of tension in skeletal muscle?
a. actin plus myosin hydrolyzs ATP
b. 'Skinned' muscle fibers retain sarcomere structure and shorten in the presence of ATP and Ca2+
Hypothesis between tension by sarcomere and thick and thin filaments
The level of tension generated by sarcomere is directly proportional to the overlap of thick and thin filaments.
Testing: Length-tension relationship
Term: Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)
A synapse between the axon terminals of a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber(cell)
Term: Neurotransmitter
One of a variety of molecules within axon terminals that are released into the synaptic cleft in response to a nerve impulse and that change the membrane potential of the postsynaptic neuron
Term: Action potential (AP)
An electrical signal that propagates along the membrane of a neuron or muscle fiber (cell); a rapid change in membrane potential that involves a depolarization followed by a repolarization
Term: Acetylcholine (ACh)
A neurotransmitter liberated by many peripheral nervous system neurons and some central nervous system neurons. It is excitatory at neuromuscular junctions