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thematic structure
play made up of a series of unrelated scenes that deal with the same basic issues
part of a play in which theme and main characters are introduced
inciting incident
event that begins the plot where action begins
rising action
series of events that lead up and build tension
turning point, point of highest tension
point where plot or conflict is resolved
sides of stage
episodic structure
unrelated stories and events happening in the same place but with distinct characters, themes, plots
aisles in each corner for actor and audience to use as exits and entrances= arena theatre
-single hero- -heroes actions vs. circumstances beyond control -hero experiences downfall *plot most important -- intended to teach, gain diff. perspective
-focus on community rather than individual -heroes in pairs -situation ends in celebration *character is most important 1. manners= pokes fun at upper class 2. romantic= complications with happily ever after 3. situation= ordinary characters unusual circumstances
-modern equivalent to amphitheater -building and arch -action takes place behind arch house=audience area wings=sides of stage apron= acting space pros= max room, room backstage, actors wait out of sight cons=sightline problems, separation from audience
flexible stage
-black box, black walls, floor can adapt to all 3 kinds of stages pros= no limits, adapts to space cons= audience doesn't know what to expect, have to design theatre and production
1-dimensional stock character -deliberately created plots -relies on physical action and plot twists -characters dont change, just get out of problem - no major message just funny -dependent on timing words and actions *spectacle= most important
theatre in the round audience all 4 sides floor= important design - pros= close relationship with audience, simplified, small budget -cons= harder to conceal actors before entrance, actors blocking, lights speakers in sight, not much scenery
difference b/w work in proscenium v. arena
proscenium= physical separation from audience, audience on 1 side, room on and off stage, actors wait out of sight arena= close relationship with audience, audience on 4 sides, little room, less scenery, actors entrance through voms
how does style of play affect aristotle's elements
each style has it's own important features that makes the style its own. Each style varies. Aristotle's elements had an hierarchal order. however for a comedy for example, focus is on the character, for farce focus on spectacle, and a tragedy focus on plot
suspension of disbelief
except that the play is just a story, we buy into it instead of questioning what is real
whatever is up on stage, somehow the audience can all see the truth behind it
Audience's Job
1. suspension of disbelief 2. understanding conventions 3. willingness to participate DOESNT HAVE TO LIKE IT
PLOT= what happens in the play, the universal significance, beginning, middle and end. THEME= what play means= the big message or the general truth
Critic VS. Reviewer
critic= in-depth opinion on what the play achieves and how it does it, puts play into larger context- info not action Reviewer= offers an opinion about individual production, focus on specifics, objective not subjective, recommends an action
Is oedipus a hero?
aristotle's characteristics of a hero include... central character, good, true to life, consistent, hero ends up in his downfall
king of Thebes
wife of Oedipus and widow of late king Laios, also Oedipus's mother
Iokaste's brother, prince of Thebes
Antigone and Ismene
young daughters of Oedipus and Iokaste
blind seer who serves Apollo
Plot of Oedipus Rex
to find the man who killed the old King Laios, so the plague can be stopped in Thebes, Oedipus finds out he is actually the one who killed Laios who turns out to be his father, and his mother turns out to be the one he married
who does oedipus send to Delphi to get answers from apollo?
Kreon, brother and law of apollo, who happens to actually be his real brother
Inciting incident of Oedipus Rex
oedipus seeks to find out who killed the king
climax of OR
Oedipus finds out he was the one who killed him
Resolution Of OR
Oedipus departs plague ends

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