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Conflict Theory
Higher arrest rate for Black because they are relatively poor and cannot afford attorneys who might prevent formal arrests
Median income of Blacks/Whites
Blacks- $37,500
Whites- $64,663
Black income resembles Whites of 10 years ago
Poverty level for Blacks/Whites
Blacks- 24.7%
Whites- 8.4%
Victimization Surveys
Annual systematic surveys of ordinary people to reveal how much crime occurs
Blacks are 22% more likely to be victims of violent crime than are whites
Environmental Justice
Efforts to ensure that hazardous substances are controlled so that all communities receive protection regardless of rate or socioeconomic circumstances
Landfills or plants or generally by low-income neighborhoods
Bizarre outlining of districts to create politically advantageous outcomes
practice of denying, or charging more for, services such as banking, insurance, access to health care, or even supermarkets, or denying access to jobs to residents in particular, often racially determined, areas
Outlawed by the Community reinvestment Act
Zoning laws
Legal provisions stipulating land use and the design of housing
Often used to keep racial minorities and ow-income people out of suburban areas
World Systems Theory
A view of the global economic system as divided between nations that control wealth and those that provide natural resources and labor
Ex: Exploitation of Native Americans and their land (natural resources and labor) by European invaders (wealth)
Merton's Typology
Unprejudiced non-discriminator- all-weather liberal
Unprejudiced discriminator- reluctant liberal
Prejudiced non-discriminator- timid bigot
Prejudiced discriminator- all-weather bigot
Acquisition of citizenship and nationality by somebody who was not a citizen of that country at the time of birth
Transfer of money by a foreign worker to his or her home country.
People living outside their country because of persecution
A foreign's power to maintain political, social, economic control over people for an extended period of time
Ex: British Empire over India
Process by which a dominant group and a subordinate group mix by intermarriage to form a new group
CONTACT Hypothesis
Intergroup contact between people of equal status in noncompetitive circumstances will reduce prejudice
Self-fulfilling Prophecy
Tendency to respond to and act on the basis of stereotypes
Can lead to validate false definitions
Ex: Child who is praised for being naturally funny will focus on learning to become funny to gain approval or attention
Structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal rewards and power
Indian Claims Commission
Created to hear claims against U.S from tribes
Ex: Treaty violations
Ethnicity Paradox
Maintenance of one's ethnic ties in a way that can assist with assimilation in larger society
German Americans
Largest group in America
Settled in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan
Anti-German acts During WWI and WWII
11,000 German Americans interned
Irish Americans
Anglicans from England and Presbyterians from Scotland arrived first
Catholics arrived later and became dominant religion
Maintained their cultural heritage
Discriminated against in housing, jobs, education because of Catholicism
Figured prominently in the Democratic Party to address …
Group with distinctive religious beliefs that break away from a larger group
Ex: Lutheran
Pejorative term that refers to a group whose beliefs are considered abnormal
Ex: Waco in Texas
Total Discrimination
Combination of current and past discrimination created by poor schools and menial jobs
Informal Economy
Transfer of money, goods, or services that are not reported to the government
Found in inner-city neighborhoods and poverty-stricken areas
Seasonal/Infrequent employment
Participants lack training/skills to be hired in primary labor market
Fair Employment Practices Commission
No real power to stop employers from discriminating against Blacks
Franklin roosevelt initiative
Opposed by southern Whites
Inadequate funding
Brown v. Board of Education
"separate but equal facilities" are unconstitutional
A lot of resistance to decision
State and Local government ignored ruling
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Established EEOC
Prohibited discrimination in voting, public accommodations, jobs
Central conditions of slavery
For life
Slaves considered property
Slaves denied rights
Slave codes
Laws that defined the low position of slaves in America
Varied from state to state
Violations meant punishment
JIm Crow Laws
Laws passed in southern states to keep Blacks in their place
Ex: Poll taxes, Literacy tests, lack of access to public facilities
Restrictive Covenant
Private contract or agreement that discourages minority group members from purchasing housing in a neighborhood
Usually attached to deed
Ex: Blacks cannot own this property
Founded in 1942
Fought discrimination with nonviolent, direct action
Exclusionary zoning
Applied to local zoning measures that impose costs or requirements that exclude certain uses
Ex: Many wealthy suburban communities have single family residential areas zoned such that very large and expensive lots, and architectural features are required of development
Apartheid schools
All-Black schools
1 out of every 6 Black students attend
Practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of test scores and other criteria
Blacks assigned to general classes and whites assigned to college prep classes
Integration is NOT a success of public education
Differential Justice
Whites are dealt with more leniently than Blacks
Application of hardest judgment is death penalty
The status of being two cultures at the same time
Worldwide integration of policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade, movements of people, and the exchange of ideas
Authoritarian personality
Likely to be prejudiced and use others as scapegoats
Reducing Prejudice (4)
Mass Media
Intergroup contact
Workplace training programs
Bogardus Scale
technique used to measure social distance (tendency to approach or withdraw from a racial group) toward different racial and ethnic groups
Mixed Status
Families in which one or more members are citizens and one or more are not
Immigrants who sustain multiple social relationships that link their societies of origin and settlement
Conservative/Liberal Religions
Liberal- United Church of Christ, Episcopalians
Moderates- Disciples of Christ, Methodists, Presbyterians
Conservatives- American Lutherans, American Baptists
Fundamentalists- Southern Baptists, Assembly of God, Missouri Synod Lutherans
Foreigners who have already entered the I.S and now seek protection because of persecution
More formal than refugees
First immigrants to the U.S
Protestants from England
Matthew Shepard and Kames Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act
Gives DOJ power to investigate and prosecute against hate crimes
Signed into law October, 2009 by President Obama
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Replaced National Origin System
Goal was to reunite families and protect American labor market
Restricted immigration from Latin America
Primary source of immigrants came from Italy, greece, Portugal, Mexico, West Indies
National Origin System
Reduced overall immigration
Significantly reduced immigration from Southern Europe, Italy, Greece, Asia with the use of quotas
Occurred because of anti-immigration sentiment and WW1
Chinese Exclusion Act
Ended Chinese immigration
Denied naturalization rights to Chinese already in the U.S
Removal Act
Relocated tribes west of the Mississippi
Allotment Act
Subdivided tribal lands into individual household plots
Way to merge tribes into White culture
Reorganization Act
Required tribes to develop election-based governments and leaders
Termination Act
Stopped federal services
Closed reservations
Federal government resumed services in 1975
Tribal self-rule
Slavery reparation
The act of making amends for the injustices of slavery
Financial compensation
Played a major role in sit-ins
Founded by Niagara Movement leaders
Merged White liberalism with Black militancy
Black Panthers
Founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale
Blacks should not assimilate
The development of solidarity between ethnic subgroups
Ex: Hispanics
Account for more than 1 in 8 people in the U.S
Earn 70 cents to the dollar of Whites
Color Gradient
the placement of people on a continuum from light to dark skin color rather than distinct racial groupings by skin color
The area of a common culture along the border between Mexico and the United States
Foreign-owned companies on the Mexican side of the border with the United States
More than 40% of the 700,000 maquiladora jobs were eliminated due to lower wages in China
Hometown Clubs
Nonprofit organizations that maintain close ties to immigrants' hometowns in Mexico and other Latin America countries
Dry foot, Wet foot
Policy toward Cuban immigrants that allows those who manage to reach the U.S to remain but sends those who are picked up at sea back to Cuba
People who arrived from Cuba in the third wave of Cuban immigration, specifically those forcibly deported by way of Mariel Harbor
Monies that immigrants return to their country of origin
$24 billion annually
Cuban American Immigration
1.7 million of Cuban descent in the U.S (49% in Miami)
1st wave
200,000 after Fidel Castro came into power
Stopped after Cuban Missile Crisis when legal movement between Cuba and U.S was halted
2nd wave (Freedom Flights)
Most settled in Miami
3rd wave (Freedom Flotilla)
Cuban American Current Picture
Compare favorably to other hispanics in social measures
Accepted White culture
Cuban American National Foundation (have strong anti-castro stance)
Political Power of Latinos
Ballots must be bilingual if 5% or 10,000 people in city do not speak English
Generally more Democratic
Mexicans who enter U.S illegally
Mexican Immigration
Mexican Revolution thrust refugees into the U.S
Was not restricted until 1965
1930's program of deporting Mexicans
Relieve economic pressure of Great Depression
Similar to evangelical faiths
Believe in the infusion of the Holy Spirit into services and religious experiences
Churches are usually small and offer a sense of community
Simplistic view of the people and history of the Middle East
No recognition of change over time or diversity
Created stereotype of hundreds of millions of people
Struggle against the enemies of Allah
Ones own internal struggle
Many Muslims see this as meaning carrying out an armed struggle against enemies of Palestine (Israel and U.S)
Negative feelings toward Muslims
Colloquial name for people with South Asia (India and Pakistan) ancestry
Yellow Peril
Generalized prejudice toward Asian people and their customs
Saw as heathen, morally inferior, drug addicted, and savages
Gook Syndrome
David Riesman developed term
American tendency to stereotype Asians as all alike and undesirable
Brought on by U.S media
1st generation immigrants from Japan to U.S
3rd generation Japanese Americans
2nd generation Japanese Americans
4th generation Japanese Americans
Nisei generation sent back to Japan for education and arranged marriages
Traditional Jewish religious yearning to return to the biblical homeland
Now used to refer to support for the state of Israel
Exile of Jews from Palestine
State-sponsored systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany
2/3 of Europe's Jewish population were killed
90 Berlin Jews were murdered
Jewish homes set on fire
Jewish storeowners windows broken
Being both masculine and feminine
Idea that one sex is superior to another
Glass Ceiling
Barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified worker because of gender or minority status
15% of CEO jobs are held by women
Fear and prejudice towards gays and lesbians
More respectable form of bigotry than prejudice against race or religion
People with Disabilities
36 million people
Media has contributed to the stereotyping
2/3 of working age people with a disability are unemployed
Stonewall Riots
Late 1960's
Violent demonstrations by members of gay community against police
Beginning of gay and lesbian movements
American Psychiatric Association
Removed gay from being an illness in 1973
Backlash against gays in 1980's
Cocktail drug in 1990's
Lawrence v. Texas
Ruled that practicing being gay is legal
Was felony prior to the ruling
Defense of Marriage Act
Denied federal recognition of same-sex marriages
Americans with Disabilities Act
Prohibits discrimination towards people with disabilities
Older Women's League
Focuses on access to health insurance, Social Security benefits, and pension reform
American Association of Retired Persons
40 million members (43% of people 50 and older)
Discounts and insurance for members
Started Minority Affairs Initiative
Age Discrimination in Employment Act
Protects workers 40 years or older from being fired because of age
Prevents replacement by younger individuals
Suffrage Movement
South was opposed because of more black voters and and the role they played in the abolitionist movement
Amendment to give women the right to vote was introduced in 1879, but was not passed
Nineteenth Amendment
Gave women right to vote
Elderly Statistics
Women outnumber men 3 to 2
Women outnumber men 5 to 2 in oldest age segment
80% are white non-hispanic
Gray Panthers
Founded by Meggie Kahn
Focus on anti-war, health care, gay marriage, and environmentalism
Transgendered (Transsexuals)
People whose gender is not the same as it was at birth
People who wear clothing of the opposite sex
AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power (ACT-UP)
Most outspoken AIDS activist group
Created new gay and lesbian constituencies
National Coalition of Anti-violence Programs
Documented more than 2,000 bias motivated incidents
Bowers v. Hardwick
Ruled that constitution does not protect homosexual relations
Feminine Mystique
Betty Frieden (founder of National Organization for Women)
Society's view of a woman as only her children's mother and husband's wife
Feminization of Poverty
Trend since 1970 in which women account for a growing proportion of those who live below the poverty line
29.9% of households headed by single mothers lived in poverty
Women and Politics
53% of voters
78 female representatives
20 female senators
More representation on state and local level
Jews and Politics
Mostly Democrat
Joseph Lieberman (Al Gore's vice presidential running mate)
Most prevalent in 1920's and 1930's
Supported by Ku Klux Klan, German American Bund, Henry Ford, and Charles Lindbergh
25% of Jews feel it is a serious problem in the U.S today
Use of Internet to spread
26% of Americans felt Jews were "responsible for Christ's death"
More than two-th…
Anti-Defamation League
Makes an annual survey of reported anti-Semitic incidents
Jewish Immigration
2nd largest Jewish population in the world (5 million)
First Jews arrived in 1654 from Spain and Portugal (Sephardic)
Largest Jewish migration occurred at the turn of the 19th century
Jews arriving in 1930's were refugees
44% in the Northeastern part of the U.S
Majority of Jews in 19…
Israel Law of Return
Defines who is a Jew
Extends citizenship to all Jews
Clans established along family lines
Hui Kuan
Benevolent associations organized based on the person's district of origin in China
Lend money and settle disputes between members
Part of an unofficial government called the Chinese Six Companies (CCBA)
Chinese American secret societies
Membership is based on common interests
U.S Chinatowns
Do not want to show problems because tourist won't come
Substandard paying jobs
Poor Healthcare
Chinese Immigration
More than 3 million
Increase in immigration after the 1965 Immigration Act
Executive Order 9066
Signed by President Roosevelt
Authorized forced removal of Japanese
120,000 (90%) put in internment camps
Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Government apologized
Gave $20,000 to 82,000 surviving internees
Civil Liberties Act
Signed by Ronald Reagan
Authorized payments
Payments came slow
First checks issued in 1990
1/4 of Chinese American under 24 marry someone who is not Chinese
2/3 of all children born to a Japanese American had a parent of a different race
Whites are accepting Asian Americans
Asian Americans ties to native culture are weakening
Model Minority
Minority group that has succeeded economically, socially, and educationally without resorting to political or violent confrontation
50% of Asian Americans have bachelors degrees compared to 28% of Whites
Experience discomfort, harassment, and feel alienated on campus
Gran Torino
2008 motion picture
Portrayed the challenges faced by the Hmong culture
Korean Immigration
1.3 million
1st wave
7,000 laborers migrated to Hawaii
2nd wave
14,000 during and after the Korean War
Most were war orphans and wives of American servicemen
3rd wave
Initiated by 1965 Immigration Act
Well educated with professional skills
40% arrived since 1990
"1.5 generation" of Korean Americans
Immigrated to the U.S as children
Malcolm X
Critical of Martin Luther King Jr. and Civil Rights Movement
Created Organization of Afro-American Unity
Muslims and Politics
Mostly conservative
58% Democrat and 13% Republican
Ralph Nader was most visible arab American
Faith encourages political participation
Muslim Immigration
Began with slavery in the 17th century
National Origins System slowed immigration to the U.S
Immigration increased after 1965 Immigration Act
30% decrease in immigration after 9/11
Culture of Poverty
Developed by Oscar Lewis
Way of life that involves no future planning, no commitment to marriage, and no work ethic
Another way of blaming the victim
Black Muslims
1.7 million (5% of all African Americans)
90% of all converts
10% of African slaves were Muslim
Not tightly organized into a single religious fellowship
Have conflicting views with larger Islamic community
Nation of Islam
Controversial organization
Goal was to improve the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of African Americans
Cesar Chavez
Formed National Farm Workers Association (UFW)
Improved working condition
Better wages
No savings to pay for organizing
Hispanic Religion
Most important formal organization is church
58% of Hispanics were Catholic in 2007
Account for more than 1/3 of the Catholics in the U.S
Operation Wetback and Special Force Operation
Crackdown on illegal Mexican immigration
Was not successful
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Expressed concern over the handling of illegal immigrants