Anatomical Kinesiology Kin 325 Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Lower Leg Bones Tendons Nerves Arteries Outline of Current Lecture I Lower Leg Muscles Anterior Lateral Posterior II Foot Muscles Current Lecture Ankle joint movements Dorsiflexion movement of foot so superior surface moves superiorly Plantarflexion movement of foot so plantar inferior surface moves inferiorly Intertarsal joints Inversion movement of foot so plantar surface faces medially Eversion movement of foot so plantar surface faces laterally Metatarsal phalangeal joints Flexion movement of phalanges so plantar surface moves inferiorly Extension movement of phalanges so plantar surface moves superiorly Abduction movement of toes away from digit II These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Adduction movement of toes toward digit II Interphalangeal joints Flexion movement of phalanges so plantar surface moves inferiorly Extension movement of phalanges so plantar surface moves superiorly MUSCLES Leg Muscles Nerves Anterior leg deep fibular nerve Lateral leg superficial fibular nerve Posterior leg tibial nerve ANTERIOR LEG TIBIALIS ANTERIOR Attachments Proximal lateral condyle shaft of tibia interosseous membrane Distal medial surface of the first cuneiform bone and base of metatarsal 1 Innervation Deep fibular peroneal nerve Action at the talocrural ankle joint dorsiflexion Action at the intertarsal joints inversion EXTENSOR HALLUCIS LONGUS Attachments Proximal anterior surface of the fibula interosseous membrane Distal distal phalanx of digit 1 dorsal surface Innervation Deep fibular peroneal nerve Action at the talocrural joint dorsiflexion Action at the intertarsal joints inversion Action at the metatarsophalangeal MTP joint of digit 1 extension Action at the interphalangeal I P joint of digit 1 extension EXTENSOR DIGITORUM LONGUS Attachments Proximal lateral condyle of tibia proximal part of the shaft of the fibula interosseous membrane Distal middle and distal phalanges of digits 2 through 5 Innervation Deep fibular peroneal nerve Action at the talocrural joint dorsiflexion Action at the intertarsal joints eversion Action at the metatarsophalangeal MTP joints of digits 2 5 extension Action at the interphalangeal PIP DIP joints of digits 2 5 extension FIBULARIS PERONEUS TERTIUS Attachments Proximal distal part of the shaft of the fibula Distal dorsal surface of the base of metatarsal 5 Innervation Deep fibular peroneal nerve Action at the talocrural joint dorsiflexion Action at the intertarsal joints eversion LATERAL LEG FIBULARIS Peroneus LONGUS Attachments Proximal proximal two thirds of the lateral fibula Distal lateral aspect of the first cuneiform and base of metatarsal 1 Innervation Superficial fibular peroneal nerve Action at the talocrural joint plantar flexion Action at the intertarsal joints eversion FIBULARIS Peroneus BREVIS Attachments Proximal distal two thirds of the lateral aspect of the fibula Distal base of metatarsal 5 Innervation Superficial fibular nerve Action at the talocrural joint plantar flexion Action at the intertarsal joints eversion POSTERIOR LEG GASTROCNEMIUS Attachments Proximal medial lateral condyles of femur Distal calcaneus via Achilles tendon Innervation Tibial nerve Action at the knee joint flexion Action at the talocrural ankle joint plantar flexion SOLEUS Attachments Proximal soleal line posterior surface of the tibia and fibula Distal posterior surface of the calcaneus via Achilles tendon Innervation Tibial nerve Action at the talocrural ankle joint plantar flexion Together the gastrocnemius soleus are known as the triceps surae PLANTARIS Attachments Proximal lateral supracondylar ridge of the femur Distal posterior aspect of the calcaneus Innervation Tibial nerve Action at the ankle joint plantar flexion POPLITEUS Attachments Proximal Lateral femoral condyle Distal soleal popliteal line of the tibia Innervation Tibial nerve Action Knee flexion knee medial rotation open chain lateral rotation of femur closed chain TIBIALIS POSTERIOR Attachments Proximal posterior aspect of the tibia fibula and interosseous membrane Distal tuberosity of the navicular cuboid bone cuneiforms and bases of metatarsals 2 4 Innervation Tibial nerve Action at the talocrural joint plantar flexion Action at the intertarsal joints inversion FLEXOR DIGITORUM LONGUS Attachments Proximal posterior surface of the tibia Distal distal phalanges of digits 2 through 5 plantar surface Innervation Tibial nerve Action at the talocrural joint plantar flexion Action at the intertarsal joints inversion Action at metatarsal phalangeal MTP joints of digits 2 5 flexion Action at interphalangeal IP joints of digits 2 5 flexion FLEXOR HALLUCIS LONGUS Attachments Proximal posterior aspect of the fibula interosseous membrane Distal distal phalanx of digit 1 big toe plantar surface Innervation Tibial nerve Action at the talocrural joint plantar flexion Action at the intertarsal joints inversion Action at metatarsal phalangeal MTP joint of digit 1 flexion Action at interphalangeal IP joint of digit 1 flexion Foot Mucles Nerves Medial plantar nerve Lateral plantar nerve FLEXOR DIGITORUM BREVIS Attachments Proximal calcaneus and plantar fascia Distal lateral aspects of the middle phalanges of digits 2 5 Innervation medial plantar nerve Action at the metatarsal phalangeal MTP joints digits 2 5 plantar flexion QUADRATUS PLANTAE Attachments Proximal calcaneus Distal common tendon of flexor digitorum longus Innervation lateral plantar nerve Action at the metatarsal phalangeal MTP joints modifies pull of flexor digitorum longus assists MTP flexion Action at the interphalangeal PIP DIP joints modifies pull of flexor digitorum longus assists IP flexion ABDUCTOR HALLUCIS Attachments Proximal calcaneus and plantar fascia Distal base of the proximal phalanx of digit I Innervation medial plantar nerve Action at the metatarsophalangeal MTP joint digit I aBduction flexion FLEXOR HALLUCIS BREVIS Attachments Proximal cuboid and lateral cuneiform bones Distal base of proximal phalanx of digit I Innervation medial plantar nerve Action at the metatarsophalangeal joint digit I plantar flexion
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