UT Knoxville BCMB 230 - Skeletal Muscle
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BCMB 230 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Components of the Inner Ear II Chemosenses III Looking at the Eye IV Muscles Outline of Current Lecture I Contraction of Skeletal Muscle II Cross Bridge Cycle III Muscle Twitch Response IV Relationships V Skeletal Muscle ATP Process VI Fatigue VII Controlling Contraction Current Lecture Skeletal Muscle I Contraction of Skeletal Muscle use a somatic motor neuron action potential travels down neuron Ca2 enters voltage gated channels Acetylcholine is released an action potential is created in the muscle cell all or none no graded potential this is only in neurons action potential follows the T tubules which have a DHP receptor DHP receptors are associated with protein in the sarcoplasmic membranemembranes are so close together that they interact with each other DHP receptor responds to action potential and pulls on the ryanodine receptor on the sarcoplasmic reticulum ryanodine receptor is also a Ca2 channel opens up and Ca2 is released into the cytoplasm Ca2 binds to troponin which moves tropomyosin out of the way These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute tropomyosin no longer blocks the binding sites actin so a myosin cross bridge is formed get a repetitive action called a cross bridge cycle which is the key to muscle contraction voltage gated calcium channels ones we look at on the synaptic bulb both DHP receptor and Ryanodine receptor are in the family in voltage gated calcium channels but they are NOT voltage gated calcium channels DHP is voltage gated but not a calcium channel Ryanodine is a calcium channel but is not voltage gated II Cross Bridge Cycle Four steps 1 Make a cross bridge bond between actin and myosin a When bonding ADP and phosphate come off which initiates a shape change a little bit of sliding relative movement 2 Move cross bridge 3 Break cross bridge a ATP binds to myosin and breaks the cross bridge b Myosin ATPase activity not actually phosphorylating the myosin 4 Re energize myosin a Breakdown ATP goes back to energized form where you first started Signal to start cross bridge cycling calcium As long as there is calcium in the cell this process repeats itself Two roles of ATP break the bond and energize the myosin ATP is not used up need a different ATP for the calcium pump III Muscle Twitch Response Have a single stimulus on an isolate muscle latent period for first few milliseconds seemingly nothing happens see no change contraction period time period of rapidly increasing tension relaxation period gradually decreasing tension More cross bridges you have the more tension you have Question to think about Why is isometric twitch contraction graph not symmetrical why does it take less time to get the contraction than relaxation IV Relationships Frequency Tension Relationships Treppe little bit of increase in tension with repeated stimulation even if you let it completely relax this is due to a change in conditions change temperature change ion availability Unfused tetanus stimulate muscle before it is completely relaxed get another muscle twitch get an additive effect get a little more contraction because of stimulating it before you let it relax faster frequency of stimulation Fused tetanus put a stimulus in the contraction period and never let it relax Cramps uncontrolled reaction that could occur because of an unbalanced ion concentration increase circulation to balance ion concentration Length Tension Relationship a stretched sarcomere has decreased tension amount of overlap between actin and myosin is reduced decreases tension produced optimal length is the best overlap of actin and myosin skeletal muscle is attached to the bone so most skeletal muscle is at optimal length Load Velocity Relationship as the load gets heavier the muscle contracts slower V Skeletal Muscle ATP Processes Muscle contraction requires energy energy comes from ATP which drives the cross bridge cycle we don t store ATP we have to make it up all the time muscles have a new way of making ATP have creatine phosphate add an ADP and make ATP and creatine creatine becomes a waste byproduct run through oxidative phosphorylation Krebs Cycle Glycolysis make ATP and carbon dioxide can do this aerobic respiration as long as we have oxygen also possible to go into anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid run out of ATP cross bridge becomes locked only see this after death VI Fatigue fatigue protective mechanism that helps keep us from running out of ATP with fatigue get a reduced response for the same stimulus changed the conditions in some way 1 lactic acid buildup happens when forced into an anaerobic situation and there is a high demand for ATP can only use this for a short amount of time 2 cross bridge inhibition have ADP buildup which changes affinity of ADP binding site ADP stays on myosin longer so a cross bridge is not produced 3 conduction failure T tubules are more susceptible to ion imbalances because there is less cellular fluid in them action potential does not reach DHP receptor long buildup long recovery 4 central command fatigue failure to stimulate motor neuron appropriately so not enough acetylcholine released ex being tired but then changing the situation so you are no longer tired VII Controlling Contraction Motor unit somatic motor neuron plus multiple muscle cells each muscle made up of hundreds thousands of motor units level of contraction depends on number of motor units Muscle recruitment add more motor units if you don t have enough on hand to do the action or take motor units away Three major types of skeletal muscle cells largely dependent on two enzymes two versions myosin ATPase activity low slow contracting fiber high fast contracting fiber influence speed of contraction the way muscle is hooked to the bone give more speed or give more strength load arrangement of muscle with bone glycolytic enzyme activity glycolysis or oxidative phosphorylation

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UT Knoxville BCMB 230 - Skeletal Muscle

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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