MCC NUR 214 - NUR 214 Course Outline

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NUR 214 Course Outline Fall 2009 EVALUATION OF THE DISCHARGE PLANNING PROCESS AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDIVIDUALIZED TEACHING PLAN PURPOSE To provide the student with the opportunity to review the process used in preparing a patient for discharge and to develop an individualized teaching plan The student will a Develop an individualized teaching plan based on assessed needs b Provide the patient and or significant support person s with the information to make choices regarding health c Teach the patient and or significant support person s the information and skills needed to achieve the desired learning outcomes d Evaluate the progress of the patient and or significant support person s toward achievement of the identified learning outcomes e Modify the teaching plan based on evaluation of progress toward meeting the learning outcomes f Provide assistive personnel with relevant instruction to support achievement of patient outcomes PREPARATION Review Teaching Learning concepts presented in NUR 112 and Lewis 7th edition pp 54 57 Review the Nursing Diagnosis Knowledge Deficient specify See Ackley CRITERIA Part 1 Assessment and Planning a Give a brief 2 3 sentence summary for the patient Identify steps taken during the first 24 hours after the patient s admission to plan for discharge Identify the health team members involved and their roles in this patient s discharge process Describe the discharge needs identified and which health team member identified the need Which services are available to meet these needs Discuss the completeness of documented assessments of learning strengths capabilities barriers and educational needs Discuss any documented patient family teaching Discuss any barriers to the patient s ability to access available community resources Assess the strengths resources and needs of patients within the context of their community Identify the areas of the discharge planning process that have not been addressed or that need modification Describe what you have learned and how you will use this knowledge when preparing future patients for discharge in your RN role b c d Identify the etiology and defining characteristics of the Knowledge deficiency in assigned patient based on patient assessment Develop three learning outcomes for the patient to achieve Cognitive Psychomotor and Affective Develop four therapeutic nursing interventions aimed at outcome achievement NUR 214 Course Outline Fall 2009 Part 2 Part 3 Implementation a Provide the patient and or significant support person s with the information using at least two different teaching strategies b Teach the patient and or significant support person s the information and skills needed to achieve the desired learning outcomes Evaluation a Evaluate the progress of the patient and or significant support person s toward achievement of the identified learning outcomes b Modify the teaching plan based on evaluation of progress toward meeting the learning outcomes Teaching plan must be modified in at least one area Option a If the patient and or significant support person s is unavailable for teaching provide assistive personnel with relevant instruction to support achievement of patient outcomes ASSIGNMENT AND DUE DATE The student will submit a written report to the pediatric faculty member one week after the pediatric clinical experience or as determined by that faculty member NUR 214 Course Outline Fall 2009 EVALUATION OF DISCHARGE PLANNING PROCESS CRITERIA 1 Give a brief 2 3 sentence summary for the patient 2 Identify steps taken during the first 24 hours after the patient s admission to plan for discharge 3 Identify the health team members involved and their roles in this patient s discharge process 4 Describe the discharge needs identified and which health team member identified the need Which services are available to meet these needs 5 Discuss the completeness of documented assessments of learning strengths capabilities barriers and educational needs Discuss any documented patient family teaching 6 Discuss any barriers to the patient s ability to access available community resources Assess the strengths resources and needs of patients within the context of their community 7 Identify the areas of the discharge planning process that have not been addressed or that need modification 8 Describe what you have learned and how you will use this knowledge when preparing future patients for discharge in your RN role DESCRIPTION NUR 214 Course Outline Fall 2009 NUR 214 DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDIVIDUALIZED TEACHING PLAN Knowledge Deficient specify Defining Characteristics Substantiating Data r t Therapeutic Nursing Interventions Include at least two teaching strategies Outcomes Cognitive 1 Psychomotor 2 3 Affective 4 4 Revised 6 07 NUR 214 Course Outline Fall 2009 Evaluation Outcome Cognitive Outcome Actual Data Modifications Modify the teaching plan based on evaluation of progress toward meeting the learning outcomes List modifications suggested met Modify Nursing Diagnosis partially met not met Modify Outcomes Psychomotor Outcome met Modify Therapeutic Nursing Interventions partially met not met Modify Teaching Strategies Affective Outcome met Teaching Plan must be modified in at least one area partially met not met 5 Revised 6 07 NUR 214 Course Outline Fall 2009 NUR 214 DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDIVIDUALIZED TEACHING PLAN Knowledge Deficient specify Defining Characteristics Substantiating Data r t Therapeutic Nursing Interventions Include at least two teaching strategies Outcomes Cognitive 1 Psychomotor 2 3 Affective 4 6 Revised 6 07 NUR 214 Course Outline Fall 2009 Evaluation Outcome Cognitive Outcome Actual Data Modifications Modify the teaching plan based on evaluation of progress toward meeting the learning outcomes List modifications suggested met Modify Nursing Diagnosis partially met not met Modify Outcomes Psychomotor Outcome met Modify Therapeutic Nursing Interventions partially met not met Modify Teaching Strategies Affective Outcome met Teaching Plan must be modified in at least one area partially met not met 7 Revised 6 07 NUR 214 Course Outline Fall 2009 8 Revised 6 07

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MCC NUR 214 - NUR 214 Course Outline

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