IUB TEL-T 207 - The Radio Industry

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T207 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I The Radio Continued II Frequency Modulation Outline of Current Lecture III The Radio Industry Today IV Technical Terms for Radio Current Lecture The Radio Industry Today o Profits Revenues Costs Costs of a radio station Equipment o Broadcasting o Studio Staf o Technicians o DJs or talk radio personalities Legal Sales staf Artists mainly licensing of their creations Building and building upkeep Administrative Promotions Rent License to broadcast by the FCC Revenues of a radio station Ads sales staf Bulk sales with larger companies Local advertisements local sales Donations for non commercial stations only o Telecommunications Act of 1996 Reduced restrictions on ownership From 1995 to 2000 Top 25 Radio groups controlled 23 4 of all stations o It was 7 3 in 1995 Allowed companies to buy up more properties in the radio business For this no group may own more than 50 of all radio stations o Genre Attempt to classify music into groups that do and don t make sense Country News and Talk radio are the most popular o Radio Competitors Sirius XM satellite radio Money made by subscriptions National Internet Radio Get money by ads and subscriptions MP3s and purchased music o Convergence coming together of and blurring the lines between what previously had been separate ways of distributing information Example cable broadcast telephone and internet enter the home on the same wire Interactivity became more popular Radio lacks interactivity Technical Terms for Radio o THERE IS A POWERPOINT DECK FROM THIS LECTURE THAT RYLAND HAS UPLOADED ONLINE HE PUT IT THERE DUE TO THE NUMBER OF IMPORTANT AND TECHNICAL TERMS THAT WERE ON IT AND HE WANTED TO MAKE SURE AND COVER THE RADIO INDUSTRY MAKE SURE TO LOOK AT THIS SLIDE DECK AS HE MADE A POINT OF SAYING THAT SOME OF IT WILL BE ON THE MIDTERM AND FINAL o Amplitude the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation measured from the position of equilibrium o Wavelength the distance between successive crests of a wave esp points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave o Frequency the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave either in a material as in sound waves or in an electromagnetic field as in radio waves and light usually measured per second o Cycle a cycle per second one hertz

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IUB TEL-T 207 - The Radio Industry

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