WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 14

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CHAPTER 14 1 Which of the following is not a treatment for Major Depressive Disorder a Prozac b REM deprivation c Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy ECT d Lithium 2 Prozac is used to treat a Major Depressive Disorder b Panic Disorder c Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD d all of the above 3 What is the major treatment for bipolar disorder a Valium b Prozac c Lithium d There is no known treatment for bipolar disorder 4 Phobias are often treated with a method in which a patient is gradually exposed to the feared stimulus while practicing relaxation This method is called a flooding b psychoanalysis c systematic desensitization d none of the above 5 Antipsychotics are used to treat a schizophrenia b depression c obsessive compulsive disorder d bipolar disorder 6 ECT Electroconvulsive therapy is an effective treatment for major depressive disorder a True b False 7 The primary drug treatment for both panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder OCD is a tranquilizers b antidepressants c antipsychotics d lithium 8 Exercise has been shown to relieve which of the following symptoms a Anxiety b c d Depression Anxiety and depression Neither anxiety nor depression 9 Benny s mother tries to reduce his fear of sailing by giving the 3year old his favorite candy as soon as they board the boat The mother s strategy best illustrates A counterconditioning B cognitive therapy C transference D aversive conditioning 10 In classical conditioning therapies maladaptive symptoms are usually considered to be A unconditioned stimuli B conditioned stimuli C unconditioned responses D conditioned responses 11 Adelle s feelings of unhappiness low self esteem and hopelessness have become so extreme that she has attempted suicide Which of the following treatments is likely to provide her with the quickest relief from her misery A electroconvulsive therapy B drug therapy C systematic desensitization D cognitive therapy 12 The placebo effect refers to A relief from symptoms without psychotherapy B the alleviation of depression and anxiety by means of aerobic exercise C the use of drugs in the therapeutic treatment of psychological disorders D the beneficial consequences of merely expecting that a treatment will be effective E the use of a variety of psychological theories and therapeutic methods 13 Dr Byrne is a clinical psychologist who often uses operant conditioning techniques to treat her clients She also encourages them to modify their thought patterns and on occasion she interprets their transference behaviors Dr Byrne s therapeutic approach would best be described as A client centered B humanistic C psychoanalytic D behavioral E eclectic 14 An important feature of client centered therapy is A interpretation B systematic desensitization C transference D free association E active listening 15 A token economy represents an application of the principles of A operant conditioning B systematic desensitization C humanistic therapy D classical conditioning E observational learning 16 Although Shawn felt terribly depressed when he began psychotherapy he was much happier by the time he had completed therapy It would be reasonable to attribute some of his improvement to A systematic desensitization B therapeutic touch C the double blind technique D meta analysis E regression toward the mean 17 During a marriage counseling session the therapist suggests to Mr and Mrs Gallo that they each restate their spouse s comments before making their own The therapist was applying a technique most closely associated with A EMDR B psychoanalysis C cognitive behavior therapy D systematic desensitization E client centered therapy 18 Transference refers to a client s A conversion of psychological conflicts into physical and behavioral disorders B expression toward a therapist of feelings linked with earlier life relationships C replacement of self centeredness with a genuine concern for others D translation of threatening dream content into nonthreatening manifest symbols 19 According to psychoanalysts resistance refers to the A expression toward a therapist of feelings linked with earlier relationships B blocking from consciousness of anxiety laden material during therapy C replacement of a genuine concern for others with self centeredness D conversion of psychological conflicts into physical and behavioral disorders 20 Empathic understanding of the patient s subjective experiences is a major goal of a A psychoanalyst B family therapist C client centered therapist D behavior therapist 21 Mr Choi s therapist wants to help him become aware of his conflicting childhood feelings of love and hate for his parents The therapist s goal best reflects a primary aim of A client centered therapy B cognitive therapy C psychoanalysis D systematic desensitization E operant conditioning techniques 22 The placebo effect typically leads us to the effectiveness of therapy and regression toward the mean typically leads us to the effectiveness of therapy A overestimate underestimate B underestimate overestimate C overestimate overestimate D underestimate underestimate 23 Cognitive therapists are most likely to encourage depressed clients to A sense and express their own real moment to moment feelings of depression B carefully observe the negative consequences of their depression C take more personal responsibility for their own negative feelings and actions D stop blaming themselves for negative circumstances beyond their control E identify a hierarchy of anxiety arousing experiences 24 In order to encourage Mrs Coleman a withdrawn schizophrenia patient to be more socially active institutional staff members give her small plastic cards whenever she talks to someone She is allowed to exchange these cards for candy and cigarettes Staff members are making use of A active listening B systematic desensitization C a token economy D free association E classical conditioning 25 Psychological research on the principles of learning has most directly influenced the development of A psychoanalysis B behavior therapy C humanistic therapy D psychodynamic therapy E cognitive therapy 26 Oni who suffers chronic depression has just learned that she received a high grade on her chemistry exam A cognitive therapist would be most likely to encourage Oni to attribute her success to A her effective study skills B her reduced course load which allowed her a large amount of testpreparation time C a relaxed classroom atmosphere which effectively reduced her test anxiety D the

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WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 14

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