REL 137g 1st Edition Lecture 12 Current Lecture Ijtihad vs Taqlid Four schools of law Called madhhab due diligence in interpreting scripture Known as ijtihad Interpret scripture anew for each new situation confronted Independent unmediated interpretation using agreed upon methodologies Nothing between me and the Koran Sunna Increasingly winning the day Vs opinions based on precedent known as taqlid Blind following One starts with the precedent upheld in the school and assumes that it is correct Periods of Islamic history Koran Sunna as memory First schism Abu Bakr Umar Uthman and Ali for Sunnis Ali for Shiites Expansion through time and space Arabasized non Arabs Conversation with original carriers Spread of Arabic and conversion outside of Arabia Formalization of doctrine Law Schools who differ on doctrines and methodologies Theology Rationalists who share certain ideals Joined by traditionalists who hold other beliefs Formalization of hadith Sunna recorded as a written record 6 books Argumentation and solidification Bitter negotiation Which way of understanding Islam is the correct way Who has the proper articulation Modern times All issues relate back to the controversies explored during these first periods in Islam Classical Synthesis To get to modernity must explore Philosophy Sufisim Shiism
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