WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 5

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1 Which of the following is not part of the process of sensation a Detection of environmental stimuli by sensory receptors b Transduction c Influence of our expectations on sensory information d Relaying neural signals to the brain 2 The conversion of environmental stimulation into a neural signal is called a sensation b transduction c perception d stimulation 3 The part of the eye which changes shape in order to help us focus on objects is called the a cornea b pupil c lens d retina 4 The receptors for the visual system are the a ganglion cells b bipolar cells c rods and cones d optic nerves 5 The area of cortex which is specialized to process visual information are the a frontal lobes b parietal lobes c temporal lobes d occipital lobes 6 a b c d are specialized to detect differences in color Cones Rods Bipolar cells Ganglion cells 7 A person who has complete damage to both areas V5 a is blind b loses form perception c loses color perception d loses motion perception 8 The receptors for the auditory system are the a ossicles b hair cells c auditory cortical cells d eardrum cells 9 Auditory information is processed in the a frontal lobes b parietal lobes c temporal lobes d occipital lobes 10 Use the numbers corresponding to the following terms to fill in the paragraph A EARDRUM B OVAL WINDOW C BASILAR MEMBRANE D HAIR CELLS E COCHLEA F BONES OF THE MIDDLE EAR Incoming sound waves cause vibration of the which causes the to move in a lever like fashion The stirrup then causes the to move in and out displacing the fluid of the The traveling wave in the fluid causes the to move up and down which in turn causes the cilia to bend against the tectorial membrane This bending causes an electrical change to occur in the 11 Most damage to hearing occurs at the a eardrum b ossicles c hair cells d auditory cortex 12 Use the numbers corresponding to the following terms to fill in the paragraph A NASAL B OPTIC C GANGLION D TEMPORAL E THALAMUS F OCCIPITAL The receptors for the visual system send a neural signal forward through the layers of the retina to the cells The axons of these cells leave the eye forming the nerve At the optic chiasm axons cross over while axons continue on the same side of the brain From the optic chiasm the optic tract travels to the Finally the visual information reaches the lobes of cortex 13 The auditory cortex of a person who has been deaf from birth becomes responsive to a touch b sound c vision d smell 14 We perceive a shirt as being red because the wavelength of light corresponding to red is a absorbed by the shirt b reflected off the shirt 15 The process by which the eye s lens changes shape to focus near or far objects on the retina is called a sensation b perception c accommodation d photocorrecting 16 The area of central focus on the retina is called the a cornea b receptor layer c optic nerve d fovea 17 Which cells are sensitive to low levels of stimulation and are therefore good for night vision a Cones b Rods c Rods and cones d Bipolar cells 18 There is a hole in our visual field as we function in our daily lives called the blind spot a True b False 19 Use the numbers corresponding to the following terms to fill in the paragraph A THALAMUS B OCCIPITAL C SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS SCN D OPTIC CHIASM E GANGLION CELL axons come together to form the optic nerve After the optic nerve leaves the eye the nasal axons cross over to the other side of the brain at the The optic tract then travels to the The majority of axons leaving the thalamus project to the lobes of cortex Some axons leaving the thalamus project to the of the hypothalamus where light information influences our sleep wake cycle 20 A picture of an apple presented to the left eye only will be processed in the visual cortex a right b left c right and left 21 A person who has damage to the left visual cortex area V1 will be blind in a the left visual field b the right visual field c the left eye d the right eye 22 If a person has bilateral both sides damage to area V4 that person will be a red green colorblind b completely colorblind c motion blind d blind 23 Which of the following is not a structure of the middle ear a Hammer b Anvil c Stirrup d Cochlea 24 Prolonged exposure to loud noise damages the which do not regenerate a basilar membrane b hair cells c tectorial membrane d cells of the auditory nerve

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WVC PSYCH 001 - Chapter 5

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