REL 137g 1st Edition Lecture 7 Current Lecture Abbasid Revolution Umayyads the first dynasty Started by Mu awiyah Between Ali and Mu awiyah Ali wanted to arbitrate followers turned on him and assassinated him Mu awiyah becomes the first Ummayad ruler Geographic expansion of Islam brings in non Arabs Arabianized They speak Arabic but their central peripheral vision is not necessarily the same Umayyads control the impact of this expansion through their chauvinism Did not accept non Arab practices Abbasids are one of the groups who come in Supported by Arabasized non Arabs the Mawali Sibuwayh Wrote the most definitive book about Arabic grammar Classical Synthesis A number of competing tendencies readings Someone had to decide what to make official orthodox Ways of understanding Islam organization Law Theology Philosophy Sufism Shiism Caliph Sultan dichotomy Arabic Muslims measure their degree of integrity through conversation with classical synthesis Topics continually debated even today because that s what it means to be Muslim Where interpretive authority lies Until presently one cannot understand Islam by simply going back to Koran Hadith Sunna Because Islam is a communal self understanding Which interpretations are within the boundaries of orthodoxy not necessarily correct Five Pillars and issues of faith Shahadah Testimony of faith There is not god except God and that Muhammed is his messenger Prayer 5 times a day Fasting Month of Ramadan not a set month in the year No food drink or sex Hour and a half before the sun comes up until it sets If you fail fast for 60 days or feed 60 people or free a slave Alms 2 5 of surplus income surplus is once you get to a certain threshold to the poor Tax on the wealthy on surplus wealth Pilgrimage To Mecca once in a lifetime if they are able Most Muslims do not make this pilgrimage because they are too poor Idea of jihad as a pillar Not a part of classical synthesis Only a pillar to modern activists Under the right circumstances it can be an obligation but it is not a pillar Iman vs Islam Internal convictions vs actions seen by other people With God alone vs with other Islamic people Praying because you have faith inside vs necessary to have faith within your community
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