IUB AAAD-A 150 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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AAAD 150 1nd Edition Exam 2 What was the concept of the Dred Scott Decision No one of African descent free or enslaved be called a US citizen Who was Robert Smalls He was a contraband slave who became a sea captain and politician and freed himself crew and their families from slavery by taking over confederate transport ship and sailed to freedom beyond the Federal blockade What was the Massachusetts 54th Regiment They were the best known US Colored Troops and were the subject of the film Glory They were also one of the first authorized black regiments Who declared the Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln Which Emancipation Proclamation was more significant The final one What were the 13th 14th and 15th and 19th Amendments 13th Outlawed slavery 14th Established citizenship and reversed the Dred Scott Decision 15th Gave black males the right to vote 19th Gave women the right to vote Who was the Ku Klux Klan They started in Tennessee and the organization was formed by Nathan Forrest Started many different riots and took over many different territories and were against all other cultures ethnicities that were not truly white What was Plessy vs Ferguson In 1896 Plessy bought a ticket for a first class seat but he got kicked out and brought his case to court The court had ruled in favor of Ferguson and this marked the beginning of the Jim Crow laws and an end to Reconstruction Created the separate but equal outlook What were the ideologies of Booker T Washington He urged blacks to make friends with the whites to ultimately earn their respect Called for black progress through education and entrepreneurship He mobilized nationwide group of blacks church leaders and white politicians with the goal of building economic strength through schooling His long term goal was to end disfranchisement of African Americans living in Southern states and wanted to build communities through an economic foundation What were the ideologies of W E B Du Bois He insisted on full civil rights and an increase in political representation He believed it would be brought by African American intellectual elite He also believed that African Americans needed chances for advanced education to develop leadership He was mainly against racism which included lynching discrimination in education and nonemployment He believed that capitalism was the primary cause of racism What was white supremacy It was the belief that whites were superior to people with racial backgrounds It was the political ideology that maintains social political and industrial dominance of whites There were different forms of white supremacism and they had different conceptions of who were considered white Who was Ida B Wells She was an African American journalist newspaper editor suffragist and leader in the civil rights movement She documented lynching and showed how it was used as a punishment to those who competed with the whites She was very active in women s rights and established several women s organizations she also traveled internationally for lecture tours Who were Jack Johnson and Joe Louis Jack Johnson was the first black heavyweight boxing champion and Joe Louis was the second Joe s main opponent was Schleming and he defeated him on their second round and was known as a hero after that and they become friends afterwards Jack s main opponent was Jim Jeffrey What was the New Negro It was the movement of blacks from urban areas to the city and from the South to the North It happened during the reconstruction era and over a million people had moved This got many blacks away from segregation Who was Marcus Garvey He was an independent African American leader and had global followers He published the newspaper Negro World 3 languages He was very influenced by the ideology of Booker T Washington He called for the unity of African descent all over the world He created the UNIA Universal Negro improvement association which had the purpose of uniting blacks He was a great orator and had many slogans The most famous was Up you mighty race you will accomplish what you want to

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