CSU DM 120 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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DM120 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 8 12 Lecture 8 October 6 Woven fabrics warp ends filling picks selvages grain on grain off grain grain vs bias how to make a woven loom weaving looms determining the weave types of weave Lecture 9 October 8 Basket weave characteristics what it is used for Twill weave characteristics what it is used for Broken twill weave characteristics example Satin weave characteristics uses Major concerns for manufacturers in weaving opportunities in weaving industry Lecture 10 October 13 Knitting industry types of knitters Knitting machine interloop knitted interlaced woven Complete garment flatbed system Cut and gauge Types of knit stitches Lecture 11 October 15 Types of knitting stitches Miss stitch Tuck stitch Knit fabric classifications Weft know direction what its made from Warp Rib knit Purl knit Lecture 12 October 20 Nonwovens Two categories durable disposable Fusible nonwovens what they re made from 1 Drylaid 2 Wetlaid 3 Spunlaid Hybrid nonwovens What they are made from uses Felt bonded and laminated materials Others 1 Quilted 2 Lace 3 Embroidery 4 Tufted fabrics

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CSU DM 120 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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Pages: 2
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