CSU DM 120 - Nonwovens
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DM120 Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I Knit stitching Outline of Current Lecture II Nonwovens A Two categories III Fusible nonwovens IV Disposable nonwovens V Hybrid nonwovens Current Lecture Nonwovens Surgical gowns masks Filters Geotextiles Make up wipes Medical pads First nonwovens introduced in 1942 a textile structure produced by bonding or interlocking of fibers or both accomplished by mechanical chemical thermal or solvent means and combinations Two categories 1 Durable not intended to be thrown away after a single use 2 Disposable intended to be thrown away after a single use Fusible nonwovens Made from thermoplastic fibers or thermoplastic films primarily used as interlining for clothing two major functions 1 Provide shape 2 Hold garment parts These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Disposable nonwovens Disinfectant wipes Disposable floor cleaning products Skin facial baby wipes Major manufacturing nonwovens 1 Dry laid system fibers manipulated while in a dry state 2 Wet laid system fibers manipulated while in a wet state 3 Spun laid system thermoplastic fibers blow as they are extruded Hybrid nonwoven Increases versatility and extends marketplace reach Nonwovens with other nonwovens for protective clothing Nonwovens with film for battery separators Nonwovens with foam for automative landau tops Nonwovens with an extrusion coating for upholstery fabric Needle punched nonwovens with melt blown nonwovens for filtration applications Felt Not a nonwoven Interlocking of fiber surface serrations holds the fibers together heat moisture agitation Bonded and laminated materials Bonded face and backing joined with adhesive that does not add thickness Laminated fabric is joined to a continuous sheet material Bonded Fabrics Wet adhesive Foam flame bonding Laminated Fabric joined to a continuous sheet material hot melt method Others Quilted material insulating filler secured between two layers of fabrics Lace decorative design created with threads on a net like background Embroidery creativity raised designs on woven fabrics paper plastic or knitted fabrics Tufted fabrics extra yarns are inserted into already woven fabrics

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CSU DM 120 - Nonwovens

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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