GEO 211 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Types of precipitation A Falling drops must have diameter of 0 5mm 0 02 inch or greater to be considered Rain B Virga C Snow D Sleet E Freezing rain F Ice storms G Snow pellets H Hail Outline of Current Lecture II Measuring precipitation A Standard rain gauge B Tipping bucket rain gauge C Weighing gauge III Measuring snowfall A 2 measurements of rainfall 1 Depth with calibrated stick 2 Water equivalent general ratio is 10 1 IV Cloud seeding Current Lecture II Measuring precipitation A Standard rain gauge commonly used Cross section 10 times that of tube Measurable amount 0 01 inch OR greater Less than 0 01 is reported as a trace B Tipping bucket rain gauge consists of 2 buckets These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Each time a bucket fills up with 0 01 inch of rain it tips sending an electric signal to the remote recorder C Weighing gauge collects rainfall in a cylinder that sits on a sensitive weighing platform When cylinder fills up electrical impulse is transmitted to a pen that records the data III Measuring snowfall A 2 measurements of rainfall 1 Depth with calibrated stick 2 Water equivalent general ratio is 10 1 o Ex 10 inches deep 1 inch of rainfall IV Cloud seeding Silver iodide and dry ice are injected in a cloud to act as condensation nuclei Works better in cold clouds with super cooled water Silver iodide commonly used
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