KIN 122 Exam 1 Study Guide Introduction to physical activity and health Definitions of health and wellness health NOT simply absence of sickness or disease presence of sufficient energy and vitality to accomplish daily tasks and active recreational pursuits without undue fatigue or health is a state of complete physical mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity important for economic reasons sick days healthcare costs personal reasons stress ability to perform activities of daily living longevity quality of life wellness state of optimal overall well being encompasses both mind and body active lifelong process of making choices toward a more successful healthy existence consistent with shift away from focus on illness striving to continuously achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle Components of wellness important to have balance in all 6 components physical health environmental health emotional health social health intellectual health spiritual health Goal of a healthy lifestyle modify behavior to eliminate minimize unhealthy behavior 2 requirements to achieve a healthy lifestyle must understand what a healthy lifestyle is and recognize how your own habits deviate Risk factors for death in high compared to low income countries high income tobacco use deaths millions 1 5 17 9 of total high blood pressure deaths 1 4 16 8 obesity overweight 7 8 4 physical inactivity 6 7 7 high blood glucose 6 7 0 low income childhood underweight 2 0mil 7 8 high blood pressure 2 0mil 7 5 unsafe sex 1 7mil 606 unsafe water sanitation hygiene 1 6mil 6 1 high blood glucose 1 3mil 4 9 physical inactivity 1 0mil 3 8 Difference between physical activity exercise and fitness physical activity any bodily movement produced by contraction of the skeletal muscles that results in a substantial increase in energy expenditure above resting levels 2 types of PA leisture time PA exercise sports recreation hobbies lifestyle PA occupational walking hauling lifting etc transportation walking biking to life activities such as school household sweeping scrubbing raking etc exercise a subset of physical activity Planned structured repetitive physical activity Individuals engage in exercise to improve or maintain fitness aka all exercise is physical activity but not all PA is exercise fitness a characteristic of a person NOT a behavior a desired outcome of physical activity behavior Fit people have the stamina to perform daily activities with energy and vigor Genetics and behavior determine one s fitness level remember not a behavior but a characteristic of a person two types skill related fitness ability to perform specific skills required to take part in various activities and sports Not strongly related with overall health 6 components agility balance coordination speed power quickness reaction time health related fitness focused on areas that affect overall health energy and ability to perform daily tasks and activities 4 components cardiorespiratory fitness musculoskeletal fitness muscular strength muscular endurance flexibility body composition Benefits of physical activity reduces risk of enhances older adults reduces risk of falling improves ability to live independently potentially associated with improvements in cognitive functioning children some evidence to suggest may improve grades test scores reduces risk for obesity throughout life teenagers improves strength builds lean muscle and decreases body fat helps build stronger bones people trying to manage their weight burns calories while preserving lean muscle mass key component of any weight loss or weight management effort people with physical disabilities such as arthritis improves stamina and muscle strength improves psychological well being and quality of life by increasing the ability to perform the activities of daily life everyone under stress including persons experiencing anxiety or depression improves mood helps relieve depression and increases feeling of well being 2008 PA Guidelines o Recommendations for moderate and vigorous activity o Differences in recommendations for children and older adults adults cardio or aerobic activities for important health benefits 150 min week of moderate intensity PA ie brisk walking OR 75 min week of vigorous intensity PA ie jogging running OR equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous intensity PA moderate 30 min 5 days per week vigorous 25 min 3 days per week for additional and more extensive health benefits double those values muscle strengthening activities moderate or high intensity activities for all major muscle groups on 2 or more days per week some activity is better than none older adults same as for adults except if they cannot do 150 min because of chronic conditions should do as much as they can children and adolescents 60 min or more of PA daily most should be moderate or vigorous intensity aerobic activity should include vigorous PA at least 3 days week should include muscle strengthening activity on at least 3 days week should include bone strengthening activity on at least 3 days week Current PA levels 31 6 adults get 0 leisure time activity 33 1 of adults meet aerobic PA guidelines 24 2 of adults meet muscle strength PA guidelines 3 8 of elementary schools require daily PE 1 state has a regulation that licenses childcare providers meet a minimum amount of PA populations with low rates of PA women low income lower education african americans and hispanics northeastern and southern US people with disabilities older adults Healthy People 2020 overview on what it is goals attain high quality longer lives free of preventable disease disability injust and premature death achieve high equity eliminate disparities and improve the health of all groups Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all Promote quality of life healthy development and healthy behaviors across all life stages focuses on determinants of health the range of persona social economic and environmental factors that influence health status now has a goal to reduce health disparities What are health disparities Incorporating PA into daily life clean room apartment home Go out for short walks with friends do yard manual labor walk the dog if you are watching TV sit up and or do exercise during commerials stand up and or walk around while talking on the phone do little exercises while in class park further away create intramural teams walk to class instead of taking the
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