Mizzou JOURN 2100 - Audience Engagement
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JOURN 2100 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Washington Program II Strategic communication writing III Media Kits IV News Releases Outline of Current Lecture I What does it mean to be social II Who are we making journalism for III How can you take your content to the people you most want to reach IV Questions to ask before jumping onto a new social platform V How can we know what is working Current Lecture I What does it mean to be social a Talking i This is what most news organizations are used to and good at b Listening i This is what we try to do to engage the audience II Who are we making journalism for a Think about it in terms of this specific beat or this specific story These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b If you think of the entire coverage area for each story your audience will always be too broad c Sports have different audience than politics III How can you take your content to the people you most want to reach a Tweet back at them b Use their pictures c Look at what people hashtag IV Questions to ask before jumping onto a new social platform a Is your audience there b Is your potential audience there c What do people do there and do you fit in d Do you know what you want to accomplish and how will you be successful V How can we know what is working a Look what gets a lot of shares Ask people to share your story b Use polls c Where are the people who care i Post it at what they are looking at d Track hashtags See how successful certain topics are e How do people use the website i Times they look at it ii Device they look at it on iii Do they go to the homepage

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Mizzou JOURN 2100 - Audience Engagement

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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