GEO 102 Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Sedimentary Rocks Outline of Current Lecture II Taphonomy III Modes of Preservation IV Classifying Fossils V Fossils and Dating Current Lecture Taphonomy What parts are resistant to decay o Hard tissues o Bones shells teeth nails claws wood seeds What causes decay o Physical destruction o Dissolution o Other critters eating the remains Think about storing your food Modes of Preservation Unaltered o Intact frozen mammoth or fragmented Replacement o New mineral replaces original Permineralized o Pores infilled with minerals from fluid Cast mold o Shape preserved in sediment o Impression shallow cast can be carbonized Classifying Fossils Given names like living organisms These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Also for trace fossils Based mostly on physical traits o Rarely genetics Geological species are known to change through time o Exist for a defined window of time o Change form through time Fossils and Dating Before Darwin known that fossils were different between rock types Older rocks had unfamiliar organisms This is a dating tool o Index fossils widespread common fossils that lived a short time o Faunal succession using fossil change to date in relative fashion Now strengthened with radiometric dating
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