AAAD 150 1st Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I Emancipation Proclamation and results post war Outline of Current Lecture II Reconstruction III Reactions in South against African American Political Power IV Reconstruction Ended Period of Violence V End of Civil War Current Lecture I II Reconstruction Rebuilding the US after the war President Andrew Johnson took office after Abraham Lincoln o Based reconstruction idea that former Confederates would be re established o Led to the creation of Black Codes another name for basically slavery o Wanted things back to how they were before the Civil War Radical Republicans o Demanded civil rights for freedmen o Tried to pass a legislation to help the freed slaves but Abraham vetoed it o People who kept trying to fight President Andrew Johnson o Created Freeman s Bureau Help out and reconstruct the South o Southern State Legislatures started to create schools o Private organizations started to create higher education universities Fisk University Howard University Wilberforce 1st institution of higher learning created by and AME church Hirum Revels 1st African American elected to Senate Mississippi Reactions in South against African American Political Power Once Hirum left there was no African American part of the political power and South took this to their advantage Economic opportunity became very restricted South failed to develop financially because it had relied strongly on slavery o Especially Mississippi White Supremacy These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Blacks are legally inferior to whites o Segregation began after the war o Jim Crow Phrase to talk about legal segregation III Reconstruction Ended Period of Violence Southern violence Out of control Violence against blacks and whites whoever was for equality Ku Klux Klan o Nason Forest was the founder o Made of former Confederate leaders supremacists o Purpose was to maintain white domination and purging things that were not fit to be American o Taking over several states through a lot of terror o Activities and organized acts of terror Burning crosses beating lynching IV End of Civil War There were a lot of different possibilities 2 Extremes o 1 Advocating racial justice o 2 Advocating white supremacy Plessy vs Ferguson o Plessy bought first class train ticket boarded train and the conductor told him to go to the negro car and sued the conductor o Court 1 ruled for him and 7 ruled against him ended up supporting white supremacy Upholding idea of racial segregation and under doctrine of separate but equal Area of Economics 2 Extremes o 1 Some black became extremely wealthy 180 000 people o 2 Blacks who rented property or who were share croppers About 500 000 people Share croppers People who farm for other people and borrow all the tools and end up having to share the crops and usually never get out of their debt Some people describe them as 1 step ahead of slaves
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