GEO 211 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Cloud classification based on form and height A Latin Words used in the classification 1 Stratus 2 Cumulus 3 Cirrus 4 Alto 5 Nimbus B Height of clouds C 10 common cloud types 4 groups table 5 2 High clouds 1 Cirrus Ci 2 Cirrocumulus Cc 3 Cirrostratus Cs Middle clouds 1 Altocumulus Ac 2 Altostratus As Low clouds 1 Stratus St 2 Stratocumulus Sc 3 Nimbostratus Ns Outline of Current Lecture II Chapter 6 Stability and Cloud development A What is adiabatic process B Adiabatic cooling C Adiabatic warming D Adiabatic process E Adiabatic rates F Dry adiabatic lapse rate G Moist adiabatic lapse rate H Non Adiabatic rates These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute I Rate of decrease of an air temperature static air with elevation Current Lecture II Chapter 6 Stability and Cloud development A What is adiabatic process Rising in air parcel EXPANDS Expansion is due to decrease of pressure with altitude Expanded rising air COOLS B Adiabatic cooling Cooling that is taking place within the air parcel without losing its heat to surroundings C Adiabatic warming Compressed sinking air warms Warming takes place within the parcel without drawing heat from the surroundings D Adiabatic process Expanding and cooling or compressing and warming of air with no interchange of heat with its surroundings E Adiabatic rates Every 1000 feet temperature drops a certain amount constant Dry adiabatic rate DALR Moist adiabatic rate MALR F Dry adiabatic lapse rate Rate of change in temperature in a rising or descending unsaturated air parcel only 15 5 F 1000 feet G Moist adiabatic lapse rate Rate of change in temperature in a rising or descending saturated air parcel Varies but always less than 5 5 F 1000 feet H Non Adiabatic rates Environmental lapse rate I Rate of decrease of an air temperature static air with elevation 3 5 F 1000 feet Dew point lapse rate Rate of change of dew point temperature 1 F 1000 feet
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