Child Psychology 560 Atypical Development 1 03 04 2014 Announcements Extra credit due in class Tuesday hard copy Exam Week Info o o o Monday 5 12 8 9 PM with me Room 113 Final Exam Thursday May 15 12 25 2 25 Ingraham B10 Extra Office Hours Final 3 classes Developmental Learning Disabilities Autism Developmental Psychology Wrap up of the semester Pervasive Developmental Disabilities Intellectual Disabilities Autism Social Academic Language Intellectual Disability Below average intellectual functioning o 70 IQ 2 SD Challenges in adaptive functioning o Adaptive functioning being able to get along in the world tie shoes cross street Onset 18 years Etiology o o Known biological cause e g Down Syndrome 25 Expected variations in IQ o Cultural familial variations Being raised in a family culture that is the opposite of enriching push a child who can go either way lower Treatment o o Primary prevention biological Avoid teratogens Parents age Genetic Testing of fetus Secondary prevention pg 318 320 Cultural familial causes Federal Head start fade out Early Head Start child family o Better hygiene more nutrition expensive Served 25 million children living in poverty over 45 yrs Fade out effect by first grade benefits don t seem to be there positive benefits wash out Private Comprehensive early intervention Abecedarian Early Childhood Intervention video o o Harlem Children s Zone Geoffrey Canada video Took multi block section of Harlem tried to get every kid in the block turn out to be strong children o Baby college expected parents go to school At risk first time moms visiting nurse o o In North Carolina took single mothers low income low IQ low education Half put into pre and post natal childhood program other half not Pregnancy until age 2 o 48 reduction in child abuse and neglect Reductions in emergency room visits and poisonings Tertiary prevention Social emotional needs E g high risk of depression Normalization Mainstreaming vs segregated schooling Promoting tolerance understanding Other ideas Williams Syndrome Genetic disorder o Brain disorder o o o Abnormal arrangement of neurons Less myelinization Also have heart problems malformations Near normal language but low IQ o 1 in 7 500 to 1 in 20 000 births IQ more than 2 SD away Other traits o o o o Very sociable described as inverse of down syndrome Highly musical But can t do conservation Poor spatial skills Challenges in doing spatial tasks in general Learning Disabilities Characteristics of LD o Specific academic problems not pervading everything o o o Social problems Largest school special needs group Heterogeneous math reading writing o o Substantial discrepancy between academic achievement intellectual ability LD versus slow learners Kids are different where they have challenges Tease apart based on specificity of problem e g reading Dyslexia o o o o o 4 of school aged kids Good listening comprehension Problem with sound symbol decoding Getting the word off the page Ex CAT But how is A pronounced cat plate caught data Exceptions YACHT New words MAVE Some genetic basis MZ DZ Characteristics Poor phonemic awareness E g counting phonemes Reading new words non words Slow readers Interventions phonological strategies E g fight might right tight 03 04 2014 03 04 2014
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