Child Psychology 560 Language Development 3 03 04 2014 Critical Periods and Language Biologically defined time window when experience is most effective Ex bird song chick imprinting CP for language Anecdotal evidence yes o How can we test this hypothesis Lennenberg 1967 o Recovery from LH damage o Kids better recovery from aphasia Limitation relearning Johnson and Newport L1 Korean or Chinese L2 English IV age of exposure 3 39 years DV grammatical judgments Results o Ages 3 7 were the same as natives Variance increases with age also o Huge spread as age increases o Shows there are differences between people and why they are better at learning language Limitation already know a language Big fall off at puberty So could there be no more room Newport CP for L1 o Subjects deaf adults o o First exposed to ASL at age 0 25 ASL primary language Tested in adulthood age 60 70 Test ASL grammar morphology This shows there is something harder about warning a language with older Case Study Genie Could covey message but couldn t use correct grammar Now lives in adult foster home 03 04 2014 03 04 2014
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