UW-Madison PSYCH 560 - Child Psych 560 Lecture Notes (14)

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Child Psychology 560 Language Development 1 03 04 2014 What do you know when you know a language Grammar rhythm intonation phonemes cross modality idioms what words mean pragmatics gestures How do kids learn language Common view imitate what they hear nurture o o o Do we learn language through imitation Chomsky not just imitation 1 We constantly create new sentences o especially long sentences 2 Errors Ex I goed to the store These were not learned from parents If it s not imitation then what o Most sentences we say we have never heard but are still grammatical Nature s impact on long development Milestones Critical period Part of all human cultures human drive Difficult impossible for nonhumans Nurtures Impact o o o Speak English Effects of Environment Ex prenatal learning rhythm Ex development of speech perception Without long input Ex Genie Ex home sign emerge in deaf kids who don t know sign language different between families Milestones of language production 2 6 month olds cooing vowel sounds 6 12 months babbling o o o o o o Consonants vowel sequins Meaningless Often mistake this for words Reduplication same syllable repeated Same across cultures Even deaf babies babble orally and sound the same as babies around the world Manual babbling for all sign languages called Pettito bable with nonds Repetitive Reduplication Pettito seems experience dependent because only sign language kids know it do it Happens the same time non deaf kids babble Around 12 months first word o o o Now you can tell In a proper context or not Usually concrete noun Earlier for sign language Shows that there is stuff in their head they just can t communicate verbally yet Pronounced differently o Teach kids sign language so babies can communicate sooner Ex giraffe raff Same sounds are hard Early words express multiple meanings because can t produce a lot yet Ex pancake video Ex blood funny video 18 24 months vocab takes off o o naming explosion Different types of words in different languages o Verbs in Korean than English 2 word speech telegraphic speech Includes content words nouns verbs adjectives Not fxn words the of Milestones across cultures Roughly same across culture Hold in English fxn words Hard in romance language grammatical gender Only language has some stuff that s hard and some that s easier Bilingualism no long term negative effects o o Early language mixing slight delays Possible cognitive benefits C vs P Kids know more than they can say o Ex speech perception vs production Few parents disagree Knowing one s name proves C vs P o Jusczky 45 month old preferential listening Baby hears passages babies names had diff name Results prefer passage with own name Listen longer to passage with their name Doesn t necessarily know what the name means but they recognize it Early Comprehension Bergelson Swingley 6 month old o o o Heard names of objects Tracked eye movements preferential looking Babies look to correct object Parents claimed kids didn t know words so they are underestimating their kids competence Sentence Comprehension o Kids understand more grammar than they use Understand syntax All of this shows difference between C and P Nature and Nuture work Nicaraguan sign language children create new languages o Older version of NSL can t understand the younger generation o o Created based on homesigns form different families Language from original generation didn t have the language developed as much Language has developed a lot in just a decade Video boy learned language from her but he teach her spatial stuff Aunt and nephew 03 04 2014 03 04 2014

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UW-Madison PSYCH 560 - Child Psych 560 Lecture Notes (14)

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