USC REL 137g - Ra'y vs. Hadith and Muhammed's Successors

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REL 137g 1st Edition Lecture 5 Current Lecture Ra y vs Hadith Principled reason vs principled reliance on inherited instincts practices teachings etc What would our leader want us to do in his absence vs what was done in the past Not mutually exclusive They exist side by side in early Islam Hadith used more often Can learn more about what the Prophet meant by studying what he did Generations of followers Prophet followed by Companions followed by Successors Successors wanted to make these inherited ideals more explicit By tracing them back to the prophet Beginning of the Hadith movement Point of conflict Foreigners come into Arabia and eventually Arabians become the minority Different from Arabs who come from other bordering countries Brings about differences of opinions opposing presuppositions psychological histories Successors and problems they encountered Malik 150 years after the death of Muhammed Power of memory passed down helps keep teachings relevant even after so long But there are still flaws Writing vs memory Many found writing unreliable because there were no vowels possible errors But memory itself is not reliable over time writing can exist as a back up A collective memory along with a written account could create a more accuracy Verbatim vs gist Verbatim is both impractical and impossible But what you recall will depend and be influenced by your own background The gist of something is subjective The problem of forgery To discourage certain things the Prophet did not specifically touch on The Prophet was not absolutely authoritative Sunna Hadith Muslim law is a combination of the Koran and the Prophet s teachings How people interpret those teachings differently Science of Hadith criticism Begins with Malik Isnad the source Reliability of the source Specific dates and places and the reliability of the people who relay that info Corroborate the source Soundness Sound Good Weak Completeness Complete sent word of mouth stopped stop with the companions Six Books Bukhari died in 256 Muslim 261 Abu Da vd 275 Tirmidhi 279 Ibn Majah 273 Nasa I 303

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USC REL 137g - Ra'y vs. Hadith and Muhammed's Successors

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