CSU DM 120 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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DM120 Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 4 6 Lecture 4 September 15 Manufactured Fibers Part 1 Natural fibers know timeline and genetic names study table 3 3 in book Know favorable and unfavorable properties and end uses of rayon acetate nylon spandex polyester and high performance polyester acrylic olefin polyactic acid PLA ingeo fibers Manufactured Fibers Part 2 Carbon fibers properties and end uses Fiber manufacturing Microfibers direct and indirect processing Properties of microfibers Lecture 5 September 22 Yarns Spun and filament yarns know which yarns are spun and which are filament know which type filament or spun has more uniformity smoothness luster strength and favorable unfavorable properties and end uses of both Filament yarns know multifilament monofilament and microfilament Carded and combed yarns Tow and line linen yarns Wool vs worsted yarns Lecture 6 September 24 Twists S vs Z twist TPI measure Ply vs single which is stronger yarn numbering system denier system vs yarn count system Cotton count how to calculate Worsted count how to calculate

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CSU DM 120 - Exam 2 Study Guide

Type: Study Guide
Pages: 2
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