CSU DM 120 - More in depth about manufactured fibers
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DM120 Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Manufactured Fibers part 1 Outline of Current Lecture II Manufactured Fibers part 2 A Metallic fibers III Flouropolymer Carbon Fibers IV Fiber Manufacturing V Microfibers Current Lecture Metallic Fiber Gold silver brass aluminum stainless steel process involves laminating or metalizing E textiles are wearable technology metallic fibers are static free textiles Modacrylic Fake fur wigs make up brushes Vinyl Fishing net fishing thread Vinyon Usually labeled vinyl raincoats Flouropolymer Gore tex wind liquid water resistant Water vapor permeable Carbon Fibers Pyrolosis of organic precursor fibers e g rayon 100 carbon no other element after pyrolosis black in color high strength lightweight Carbon fiber is tough because it is composed of at least 95 pure carbon carbon atoms are in a regular hexagonal pattern they interlock crystal alignment of hexagonal pattern Other properties include heat resistance chemically intert biocompatible End uses include firefighter gear repairing bridges highways support columns Fiber Manufacturing Spinning microfibers heterogenous fibers nanotechnology Microfibers Fiber diameter is microsized finer smaller first microfibers polyester developed in Japan in the 1980 s also microdenier fibers Technology to product microfibers includes direct processing extruding very fine filaments from the spinnerette and then further reduce the size by drawing yarn Indirect process fibers made from two polymers after fabric is made These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute the fibers are made to split apart into much finer filaments through a finishing process Properties include similar physically and chemically0 in principle as those of the same fiber in normal thickness many important characteristics are improved in microfiber form such as softer hand better drapability better wicking effect more vivid color contrast Often used in blends with others has a broad range of end uses

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CSU DM 120 - More in depth about manufactured fibers

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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