DM120 Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I Textile Industry Outline of Current Lecture II Textile products A What textiles are used for III Textile mills fashion designers importers of textiles IV Dyeing printing fabrics V Retailers Current Lecture 5 major production segments Fibers hair like substances smallest part of fabric Yarnscontinuous threadlike strands composed of fibers that have been twisted together Fabrics cloth made by combining yarns usually by knitting or weaving Dyeing and printing finishing Primary Sources of Fabrics Mills companies that own textile machinery and makes fabric Converters an individual or organization that buys greige goods unfinished fabrics from mills has the fabric dyed finished printed by other companies Importers direct importer buys fabrics or manufactured products from a foreign mill or other supplier and brings it into the U S operates similar to U S market Secondary Sources of Fabrics Jobbers buys from mills converters and garment manufacturers and other users discontinued styles colors and mill overruns can offer low prices and interesting fabrics but cannot offer continuity of fabric sells to small or specialized users Retail Stores sells to home sellers over the counter sales Overseas agentsperson company representing exporter or importer in the country overseas where it conducts business local business local customs regulations 1 Fiber producer 2 Yarn mill filament spun textured novelty 3 Textile Mill weaving knitting nonwoven tufting lace These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 4 Independent converter 5 Product manufacturer interior furnishings apparel industrial 6 Wholesale Jobber 7 Retailer 8 Consumer The Domestic and Import Textile Industries Import companies produce or buy textiles and or finished products from all over the world for import and sale in their own countries Domestic companies produce or buy textiles in the 1980 s there was a shift from less to more imported product because of the lower cost of imported product The Textile Import Industry Imported from China India Mexico Vietnam Indonesia Thailand England France Japan Italy because of the lower cost of labor low wage developing countries and superior product Buying Selling Shipping Buying according to written specifications from a sample SellingGreige finished Shipping Textile put up short 40 yards remnants are 1 10 yards pound goods are 1 yard Fair Trade and Trade Shows A product was produced without labor exploitation by using environmentally sustainable practices producers received fair prices for their product
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