GEO 102 1nd Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I What is Science Outline of Current Lecture II Peer Review III Publishing IV Big Points Current Lecture Peer Review All science is reviewed by other scientists often before and always after publication All humans make mistakes and such so we rely on competition to fuel the drive to check and over turn each other s work Science that is not published is worthless Best way to figure out what s valuable and what s not Helps make the science in science journals fundamentally sound Peer review happens with grants too Constantly searching for grants Very competitive Always rejected with changes Once published it is still peer reviewed Publishing journals not like magazines at all probably have no seen one all are competitive to get into These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Conferences less important than papers books more used to educate non scientists can be viewed as an open continuous debate Big Points Science is a practical method of understanding nature foundation of the modern world economy government etc based on assumptions data experimentation and conceptual models conducted as an open and rigorous debate funding products of science publications databases applications careers geology is among the most practical of sciences Science can never prove truth science proves untruth
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