UT Arlington MANA 3320 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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MANA 3320 Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter Lectures 1 6 Lecture 1 Chapter 1 August 21 Topic 1 Introduction to Human Resource Management What is Human Resource Management The policies practices and systems that influence employees behavior attitudes performance people practices How do HRM practices contribute to company performance Slide 4 and text pp 3 5 Practices that should support the Organization s business strategy include analyzing work and designing jobs determining how many employees with specific skills are needed HR planning attracting potential employees recruiting choosing employees selection training and development evaluating performance performance management rewards compensation creating a positive workplace environment employee relations Having all these characteristics allows a company to perform best and lead to more satisfaction for employees and customers innovation greater productivity and develop a more favorable reputation in the community Though traditional viewpoints value only capital HRM practices can be valuable HRM decisions affect employee s motivation and ability to provide goods and services that customers value What is the labor costs view of employees What is the modern human resources view of employees The traditional view of Labor Costs Employee expenses are labor cost to be minimized The you vs me mentality The lose win mentality The modern view of Human Resources Employees provide precious human capital for firm success The we mentality The win win mentality Employees are valuable as they add valuable to the company throughout their skills and knowledge Employees are not interchangeable nor easily replaceable Human resources cannot be imitated Human resources have no good substitute Who practices Human Resource Management Understand the major responsibilities of the HR departments and the HR responsibilities of the supervisors Human Resource Departments are responsible for HR management all managers are also responsible for practicing human resources HR is a business within the company with three product lines 1 Administrative services and transactions hiring employees answering questions about benefits etc 2 Business Partner services developing effective HR systems that help a company attract keep and develop people 3 Strategic Partner contributing to the company in order to meet its goals of competitive advantage HR must understand the business its industry and its competitors Table 1 1 on page 7 of the Textbook fully explains the functions and responsibilities Two areas of responsibility that support HR practices include 1 Establishing and administering personnel policies and 2 ensuring compliance with labor laws In some companies HR departments actively advise the top management team In others the department responds to top management decisions to implement training staffing and compensation activities in light of the company s strategy and policies Understand the basic human rights for employees text p 18 Right of free consent employees have the right ti be treated only as they consent to be treated employers should not deceive the employee an employee should know the nature of the job they are hired to do Right of Privacy people have the right to do as they wish in their private personal lives and have the right to control what they reveal about their personal life Employer must keep the employees personal records confidential Right of freedom of conscience people have the right to refuse to do what violates their moral beliefs if those beliefs are commonly accepted norms Right of freedom of speech people have the right to criticize an organization s ethics if delivered in good conscience and it doesn t violate the rights of individuals in the company companies may offer hot lines or procedures to handle employee complaints Right to due process if people believe their rights are being violated they have the right to a fair and impartial hearing Equal Opportunity Commission may prosecute complains fit the employer didn t fairly handle the problem Understand the standards for ethical HRM practices slide 15 HR practices are considered ethical when they met these standards Greatest good for greatest number of people Must respect basic human rights of privacy due process consent and free speech Managers must treat employees and customers equitably and fairly Lecture 2 Chapter 2 Topic 2 Trends in Human Resource Management What are the three major changes in labor force 1 Aging Workforce 2 Diverse Workforce 3 Skill Deficiencies What are the HRM implications of an aging workforce HR will spend much of their time on concerns related to planning retirement retaining older workers and motivating workers whose carers have plateaued There will be rising costs of health care and other benefits Many of the future managers will have to be supervising employees much older than them generational gap issues Organizations must find ways to attract retain and prepare youth labor force Understand the major HRM practices that support diversity management Communication communicate with employees with employees from a variety of backgrounds Development provide career development for employees with different background and abilities Performance Appraisal provide feedback based on objective outcomes Employee Relations created a work environment that is comfortable for all and fosters creativity High Performance Work Systems keep an advantage over competitors Organizations have best fit between their social system people and how they interact and technical system equipment and processes Key trends in high performance work systems reliance on knowledge workers empowerment of employees to make decisions teamwork Who are knowledge workers In which job areas are they especially needed Knowledge Workers are employees whose main contributions to the organization is specialized knowledge such as knowledge of customers a process or a profession Many of these knowledge workers will have to be technoservice workers who not only know a specialized field but also must work directly with customers Knowledge workers are in a position of poet because they own knowledge that the company needs Employees whose contribution to the organization is specialized knowledge of Customers Processes Profession They are especially needed for jobs in health services business services social services engineering management Employee empowerment the company gives the employees the power to make

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UT Arlington MANA 3320 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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