GEO 211 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Solar Particles and Aurora II Chapter 3 Earth and Sun Relationships A Why do we have seasons B Physical factors causing seasonal variations 1 Earth s revolution 2 Earth s rotation 3 Earth s angle of inclination 4 Earth s axis orientation 5 Earth s sphericity C Earth s revolution a Perihelon b Taphelion D Earth s rotation E Earth s angle of inclination F Earth s axis orientation G Earth s sphericity a Polaris H Solstice Conditions Outline of Current Lecture II Air and Temperature Data continued A Estimating energy needs a Heating degree days b Cooling degree days c Growing degree days Current Lecture II Air and Temperature Data continued A Estimating energy needs a Heating degree days used to evaluate energy demands and consumption These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute costs Calculated in winter months Calculated in winter months Assume bas temperature is 65 F 1 heating degree day equals to each degree the average daily temperature is below 65 F Subtracting daily mean from the base value of 65 F Ex daily mean of 40 F has 25 heating degree days 65 40 25 b Cooling degree days calculated in summer 1 cooling degree day is 1 above the base value Ex a day with daily mean at 85 F represents 20 CDDs 85 65 20 c Growing degree days Used to determine approximate date when crops are ready for harvest Base value temperature vary from crop to crop Ex sweet corn 50 F peas 40 F If the daily mean is 75 F GDD for sweet corn is 25 peas it is 35
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