UGA CHEM 2211 - Structure and Bonding
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CHEM 2211 1st Editiom Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I Introduction to organic chemistry Outline of Current Lecture II Rules and principles III Bonding IV Structures Current Lecture II Rules and Principle Quantum Numbers Principle n row electron shells l electron orbital o n 1 o 0 S o 1 P o 2 D o 3 F Ml magnetic quantum number o Range 1 to 1 Ms electron spin quantum number o or o Refers to up or down arrow in electron configurations Electron configuration 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p Aafbau s principle Electrons go in the lowest energy orbital first Pauli principle These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute only two electrons in a pair Hunds rule every orbital in a subshell must have one electron before doubling up III Bonding Ionic bonding always between a metal and a non metal transfer of electrons between metal to non metal leaving a charge Li Cl Li Cl covalent bonding bond that involves the sharing of electrons between atoms can be polar or non polar non polar bond between 2 nonmetals the electron or electrons they share are equally distributed o because they have the same electronegativity Ex H H polar bond between 2 non metals different electronegativities o results in uneven sharing of the electron or electrons the separation of charges results in a bond dipole Ex H Cl S S IV Structure Lewis dot Structures Lines are drawn between atoms to show chemical bonds Dots are put around the atoms to show lone pairs that are not bonded o H C C H Kekule structures Same basic structure as lewis structure Lone pairs are emitted though o H C C H Condensed structure Does not show connections H C H instead CH2 Butane condensed o CH3 CH2 2CH3

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UGA CHEM 2211 - Structure and Bonding

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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