GEO 211 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Earth s Atmosphere s vertical profile based on A Temperature a Troposphere 1 Environmental or Normal Lapse Rate 2 Radiosode 3 Tropopause b Stratosphere 1 Isothermal 2 Stratopause c Mesosphere 1 Mesopause d Thermopause 1 Mesosphere B Composition a Homosphere b Heterosphere Outline of Current Lecture II Earth s Atmosphere s vertical profile based on A Function a Ozonosphere b Ionosphere Current Lecture III Earth s Atmosphere s vertical profile based on A Function 2 layers a Ozonosphere important to plants and animals does not allow certain sun rays to hit Earth lower layer with ozone O3 gas max concentrations in stratosphere absorbs ultraviolent rays Ozone molecules breaks down in process O3 UV O2 O These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute O3 also broken down by Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs CFCs contains chlorine fluorine and carbon Synthetic breaks down in stratosphere and releases chlorine can be in the atmosphere for up to a year The released chlorine destroys ozone in a series of steps Cl O3 ClO O2 CLO O Cl O2 b Ionosphere upper earth s atmosphere absorbing more high energy from sun more broken and ionized electrified region because the gases have been ionized Reflects radio waves permitting radio stations to be heard far beyond the horizon Broken gases create a layer of fairly concentrated ions and free electrons Ions are arranged in 3 layers of varying density 1 F layer no density 2 E layer average density 3 D layer high density
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