UIUC BTW 250 - Complaint Letter Draft

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Nirmal Patel 512 South Third St Champaign IL 61820 Phone 630 415 7768 E Mail npate292 gmail com Date February 17 2014 Katie Ponton Campus Property Management 303 East Green St Champaign Il 61820 Dear Katie Ponton As of late living through Campus Property Management has been rough We have had our ups and downs with the maintenance that has been provided to us Recently we had a leak in our bathroom ceiling that no one has cam at all to fix I woke up one morning noticing a huge crack in the bathroom ceiling and a huge puddle on the bathroom floor After calling the maintenance department several times and never hearing back from them I decided to go on and write a letter to you guys to inform you about this matter In addition the lease states prior to moving in that the place would be cleaned professionally and the carpets would be washed as well That was not the case at all After walking on the carpet for about ten seconds my feet would turn black on the bottom and I would have to go wash them I understand that CPM has a lot of properties to look after and maintain for students to move into every year and it must get hard from time to time I would like for Campus Property Management to come and redo our ceiling in the bathroom so it does not have the chance to crack again Also we would like to have a credit go towards are next rent due because of the inconvenience that was caused and the carpets not being shampooed on time Thank you for taking the opportunity to read the letter we would appreciate you resolving this problem within the next two weeks Sincerely Nirmal Patel Page 2

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UIUC BTW 250 - Complaint Letter Draft

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