UCLA CHEM 14BL - Guidelines

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Chem 14BL Spring 2002 Report Guideline for Assignment 4 Week 1 The Synthesis of Aspirin General Comments Prelab Assignment Questions The prelab assignment questions are to be written in your lab notebook They are due at the beginning of your lab section Every student is required to submit all prelab assignments Lab Reports Reports are written at three stages of the experiment The introductory material which constitutes preparation for lab is completed before the lab starts Data and observations are completed during the lab section Both the introductory material and the data and observations are turned in at the end of each lab period The final sections data analysis error analysis and conclusions are completed after the lab period and are generally due one week after the experiment is complete All work is to be written in the lab notebook Every page must include the experiment title the date and your name and partners if appropriate Unless otherwise noted individual reports are required for an experiment If a group report is allowed the report must include the names of the participants and the contribution that each person makes to the lab work and to the written report I Pre lab Work Prelab Assignment questions for Week 1 The Introductory Report material will include The title of the experiment A reference i e complete reference of the experiment including title of the lab manual author edition and page number of the experiment in the manual etc Include any changes to the procedure that you know you will make A short introduction Summarize in a two or three sentences the goals of the experiment Outline the kinds of techniques that you will use in the experiment A brief flow chart summary of the key procedures of the experiment MSDS information for Salicylic acid Reagent Grade Sulfuric acid Concentrated and Acetic anhydride Reagent Grade Note Select the site that gives you the MSDS information closest to the concentration or grade listed above for each individual chemical For each compound give Product Name Chemical Formula Formula Weight Melting Point Boiling Point and Density Health Hazard Data summarize in your own words Spill and Disposal procedures summarize in your own words A data table to record the specific equipment used for the serial dilutions and the concentrations of the resulting solutions Leave a space in the table after the first entry for an explanation of the scheme that you will use to arrive at a solution within the specified concentration range Note Start a NEW page in your notebook for this section The previous material will be turned in at the beginning of the period this page will be turned in at the end of the lab period II Post lab Work This part of your report is to be done individually It is due the week of May 7 10 The post lab report for the Synthesis of Aspirin lab will include Data and Data Analysis Keep an orderly tabular record of data Calculation of the theoretical moles of aspirin Be sure to identify the limiting reagent in your procedure Calculation of the crude yield Calculation of the corrected yield Conclusions Summarize your results Compare the crude yield and the corrected yield with 100 Explain why they are different or slightly different What can you conclude about the crude yield That is if your crude yield or corrected yield is greater than 100 explain why or if your crude yield or corrected yield is less than 50 explain why be specific

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UCLA CHEM 14BL - Guidelines

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