TAMU POLS 207 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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POLS 207 2nd Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 7 Lecture 1 POLITICAL CULTURE Political Culture shared beliefs among people about the role government and citizens should play in the political system based on historical styles and traditions in state politics 3 main questions o What role should government play o What role should citizens play in the political system o Based on political culture how are the political officials evaluated Daniel Elazar an important political scientist who wrote a typology of three political cultures based on historical migration patterns that resulted in various religious ethnic concentrations and thus different beliefs about government 1 Moralistic Political Culture o Origin heavy Scandinavian Northern European and German Protestant populations who moved to New England states in the North and upper Midwest o Government positive instrument working for the greater good of society health care programs welfare programs promoting public good in private sector o Public Officials held in high regard for achieving a greater good for society o Citizens obligated to participate vote support campaigns run for office for good of society 2 Individualistic Political Culture o Origin European migration of Catholics and Southern Europeans into mid Atlantic states o Government to serve individual self interests so limited intervention of private sector a marketplace to shape government for oneself favors distributed to government supporters o Public Officials in it for themselves as a chosen career to get benefits out of it o Citizens mostly only voting participation is a necessary evil democracy competing for government control and benefits 3 Traditionalistic Political Culture o Origin plantation economy of the South dominated by white Protestants and class division o Government maintain status quo keep elites in power and hierarchy stratified o Public Officials the ruling elite o Citizens masses are discouraged from participation which is limited to the elite While the type of state political culture can give an indication of citizen participation like voting rates and the size of government such as spending on programs today there has been a nationalizing of political culture due to national news media and federalism which is an expansion of government programs that affect everyone Texas Political Culture o combination of traditionalistic individualistic political culture traditionalistic Texas once part of the plantation economy of the Deep South Confederacy immigration of Hispanics from colonial ruled Mexico individualistic Texas immigration of white Anglos from Midwest states o shared views of traditionalistic individualistic political culture conservative government limited in power governors have short terms individuals act in their own self interest limited gov intervention in the private sector government should do only those things individuals cannot do for themselves government should keep taxes low limit social services advancement of civil rights leads to lower participation and voting rates in Texas Political Culture is more stable than Political Parities their policies change over time o Therefore when the political parties change their platforms Texas changes to whichever platform most represents its political culture which explains the change from a state once dominated by the Democratic Party to a state now dominated by the Republic Party Lecture 2 What are the Demographic Trends and Economic Trends in Texas Two Major Demographic Trends o 1 Massive Growth in the Population of Texas due to 4 Factors a TX is a sunbelt state better weather b proximity of TX to Mexico immigration trade opportunities c Oil Boom in 1970 80s more jobs available d Economic Decline in Industrial Midwest people come to TX looking for jobs o Political Effects of the Massive Growth change from Democratic Party to Republic party as new people migrate into TX with different party loyalties growth in government spending on roads teachers police etc to deal with bigger population o 2 Increased Growth of Minority Groups Reason 1 Lifting of Restrictions on minority participation Reason 2 Increase in Minority Groups Hispanics greatest growing group from 15 growth to currently 38 growth due to proximity to Mexico larger family sizes higher birth rates won several offices in 1990s o Effects projected to become majority of population which may result in a shift to a Democratic dominated state currently have lowest participation voting rates so their full impact has not been felt yet African Americans consistently about 12 of TX population but their impact on politics has grown as barriers have been removed won some state offices Asian Americans smallest percentage of state population growing slowly from 1 to 5 today typically concentrated in areas like Houston so have more representation in their local governments Major Economic Trends o Land Trends 1820s 1860s Cotton Farming After the Civil War Cattle Early 1900s Oil Discovered in East TX o Reasons for the current diversification of the Texas economy Fall of oil prices in 1980s NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement opening of US Mexico border rise in the high tech industry in Austin Dallas and Houston Dell Texas Instruments o Overall Texas has changed from an economy dominated by the land to a diversified economy due to NAFTA trade with Mexico and high tech businesses o Texas 6 Economic Regions East Texas traditionally dominated by agriculture oil and timber which is the most important today some diversification in manufacturing Plains Region agriculture ranching cattle feed limited diversification Gulf Coast manufacturing petro chemical industry shipping fishing already fairly diverse increased manufacturing and high tech opportunities this region has the highest concentration of organized labor unions in Texas Metroplex large financial banking center manufacturing high tech businesses Texas Instruments aerospace industry most economically diversified region of TX Central Corridor two large universities including Texas A M impact the area which helps bring jobs to the region military bases are also important to the region s economy Border NAFTA trade citrus fruit fairly diversified Lecture 3 State Constitutions A state constitution establishes the structure of government as well as the powers and limitations of the government o 1 Preamble the introduction that states the purpose and authority of the government o 2 Bill of

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TAMU POLS 207 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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Pages: 15
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