Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Final Exam Study Guide
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Anatomy Exam 7 Study Guide Lectures 1 3 Lecture 1 Visual System Describe the function and structure of the conjunctiva and what conjunctivitis is Conjunctiva has mucus membrane and covers the inner eyelids Palpebral conjunctiva and anterior sclera Bulbar conjunctiva However it does not cover the cornea Conjunctivitis is the infection of the conjunctiva which can be bacterial or viral It is known as pink eye What is the function of the Lacrimal Apparatus It supplies the eye with lacrimal fluid or tears which serves immune functions Explain the wall of the eyeball and its three layers The Fibrous layer is the outermost layer the Vascular layer is the middle layer and the Sensory layer is the innermost layer The Fibrous layer consists of the sclera and the cornea the Vascular layer consists of the iris pupil choroid and ciliary body and the Sensory layer consists of the retina What are the functions of the sclera cornea iris pupil choroid ciliary body and retina Sclera protects the eyeball cornea focuses light into the eye iris controls the amount of light the pupil is the light passage choroid absorbs excess light ciliary body controls lens focus and the retina converts light to nerve impulse Describe what Cataracts are what causes it and how it can be treated Cataracts are clouding of the lens It is caused by UV light smoking diabetes genetics It can be treated with surgical correction which is to insert artificial lens Explain the different internal fluids of the eye Humors are fluids in the eye The two types are aqueous humor and vitreous humor These fluids maintain intraocular pressure What is Glaucoma Glaucoma is blocked drainage of aqueous humor It results in increased intraocular pressure and compresses the optic nerve Explain what Anopsia Bitemporal Hemianopsia and Homonymous Hemianopsia are Anopsia is damage to the optic nerve Bitemporal Hemianopsia is damage to the optic chiasma and Homonymous Hemianopsia is damage to the optic tract Lecture 2 Auditory system Explain the structure of the external ear region and its functions The external ear contains the auricle pinna which is elastic cartilage that funnels soundwaves into ear and it also contains the external auditory meatus ear canal which has hair and ceruminous glands for earwax In the external middle ear there is the tympanic membrane eardrum which is the boundary between the external and middle ear and this is where soundwaves cause vibration Explain the structure of the middle ear region and its functions The middle ear is made up of 3 bones known as the malleus stapes and incus It also contains 2 muscles which are the tensor tympani and stapedius and 2 windows which are called the oval window and round window The middle ear contains the pharyngotympanic tube eustacian tube which connects the middle ear to the pharynx and permits equal pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane What are the different parts to the inner ear and what also does it contain The inner ear has 3 parts the cochlea semilunar canals and vestibule It contains the vestibule which maintains balance and linear acceleration and has 2 components known as the utricle and saccule The inner ear also contains 3 semicircular canals known as the anterior posterior and later semicircular canals What are the functions of the cochlea and its structure Its function hearing via the cochlear nerve It has three parts which are the cochlear duct scala vestibule and scala tympani Describe the steps for the mechanisms of hearing 1 Soundwaves vibrate tympanic membrane 2 optic ossicles vibrate and stapes vibrate against oval window 3 Oval window vibration push fluid in scala vestibule 4 Sounds in hearing range go thru cochlear duct where mechanoreceptors sense and transmit info 5 basilar membrane vibrates and tectorial membrane is stationary hairs of hair cells bend 6 specific bending patterns transmit to cochlear near and transmits to brain 7 vibrations of basilar membrane also vibrate thru scala tympani 8 vibrations travel to round window and dissipate 7 sounds outside of hearing range don t go to the cochlear duct What are the causes of Motion Sickness Confusing visual versus equilibrium sensory information and the location of vestibule near vomit center of medulla Medication that treats this blocks signals from the vestibule to the medulla What is Meniere s syndrome and how can you treat it It s caused when there are excessive amounts of endolymph in the inner ear which results in symptoms of vertigo dizziness poor equilibrium hearing loss and buzzing sounds Its treatments are diets of less salt draining and surgery Lecture 3 Respiratory System What are the types and primary functions of the respiratory system There are 4 types of respiration ventilation external respiration internal respiration and cellular respiration Its primary function is gas exchange which is oxygen delivery and removal of carbon dioxide Explain what each of the respiration types do Ventilation consists of inspiration inhaling O2 and expiration exhaling CO2 External respiration consists of gas exchange between air and blood which is located within the lungs Internal respiration consists of a gas exchange between blood and tissues which is located throughout body at sites of capillaries Cellular respiration consists of using oxygen which results in ATP energy and creates CO2 and other waste its location is in the mitochondria and throughout the body What are the structural and functional divisions of the respiratory system Functional Conducting zone and respiratory zone Structural Upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract What are the functions and components of the nose Its functions are respiration olfaction and thermoregulation Its two components are external and internal and the passageways are separated by the nasal septum Describe the structure of the external nose The nasal bones and lower upper cartilages support the nose It s also comprised of nares nostrils and vestibule air chamber Describe the structure of the internal nose It is comprised of the nasal cavity superior middle inferior conchae and superior middle inferior meatus What is epistaxis It is also known as a nosebleed This is caused by capillaries in nasal walls Explain what paranasal sinuses are and what they do Paranasal sinuses surround nasal cavity Its function however is UNKNOWN but they probably play some role with thermoregulation They drain into middle and superior meatus What is maxillary

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Final Exam Study Guide

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