MSU ISS 215 - Finish Inequality, Begin Book Review

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ISS 215 1st edition Lecture 21 Outline of Last Lecture I Judicial System and Inequality II What is Crime Outline of Current Lecture III IV V Why Crime White Collar Crimes Book Review Chapters 8 and 9 Current Lecture Why Crime Sociological Theories Karl Marx o Economic Classes o Classes leading to poverty o Poverty leads to crime o Socialism eliminates most crimes Ex Stock market uses technology to find and buy shares at the very best price White Collar Crimes Bribery Government Contracts Political Crimes Business Crimes o Monopoly Ex Comcast makes you buy entire cable package even if you only want internet because they are the only company that provides internet so they can make you buy whatever they want o Misrepresentation in Advertising Ex Smoking companies will advertise that smoking is good for your health o Copy Rights o Illegal Labor Practices These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o o o Insurance Fraud Income Tax Fraud Fraud in Legal Profession Fraud in Stock Market Book Review Chapter 8 Elites The Capitalists Class and Political Power Three perspectives on power CW Mills Pluralism Marxists point of view Community Power Structure Hunter Dahl Domhoff How are they unified Common social background Shared lifestyle and values Interchange of personnel Campaign financing Institutional Interdependence Criticism Elite Cohesion Evidence of joint decisions Pluralist Model Power in modern societies are held by strategic elites with distinct functional responsibilities Economic Elites Political Elites Cultural Elites Examples Corporate Executives Lawyers Government Officials Union Leaders Journalists Marxists Point of View Rule of Capitalists Class Direct Mechanism o o o o Participation in political process Money and politics Business lobbies Policy planning groups Indirect Mechanism of Influence Control of Mass Media Advertising What is acceptable and what is not acceptable Chapter 9 Class Consciousness Karl Marx Concentration and Communication Deprivation Alienation at work Polarization Homogenization Organization and struggle Class Identification Upper Class Middle Class Lower Class Class Struggle Elections as class struggle Socialist social demographic and labor parties in Europe Democratic party in the U S Focus of American Class Conflict Union Recognition Economic Security Decent Working Conditions Welfare Measures

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MSU ISS 215 - Finish Inequality, Begin Book Review

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