PSYC 1100 LAB SYLLABUS Spring 2024 SEC 005L Lab Meetings Tuesday 12 30 1 20 PM Whetten 300B Sara Johnson Graduate Teaching Assistant Email sara 2 johnson uconn edu Office Hours Tuesdays 1 2 pm Thursdays 12 30 1 30 pm and by appointment in person or virtual Lab Overview The goal of this lab is to provide a comprehensive introduction to psychological science as a natural science This lab is NOT an extension of your lecture It is meant to supplement what you are learning and will NOT necessarily follow what you are doing in class Rather this lab is designed to increase your ability to appreciate scientific information and be an informed consumer of such By the end of this lab you should be able to find peer reviewed and popular scientific publications and evaluate the reliability validity and generalizability of the information presented Lab Learning Objectives 1 Understand the breadth of various subfields within psychological science and the research agenda of UConn faculty engaged in psychological science research 2 Understand how psychological science information is presented by popular media e g websites news articles popular science articles and science journalists and how that information may may not be supported by peer reviewed science articles 3 Understand the basic research methods used generally by psychological scientists including basic terminology as well as the advantages and disadvantages of descriptive and experimental research 4 Demonstrate a basic skill set to use a search engine e g PubMed PsycInfo Google Scholar to find peer reviewed primary and review papers on a select topic 5 Demonstrate a basic skill set to explicate information from one or more primary research papers in a format for public dissemination e g PowerPoint Grades Your lab grade will be based on your performance on 3 homework assignments worth 20 points each 2 quizzes worth 10 points each and a final cumulative quiz worth 20 points Homework Assignments 3 x 20 points each 60 points Quizzes 2 x 10 points each 20 points Cumulative Quiz 1 x 20 points 20 points 60 20 20 Please note that how much your lab grade contributes to your overall grade in PSYC 1100 is determined by your lecture professor If you have questions about this please refer to your lecture syllabus or contact your lecture professor Assignments 3 homework assignments will be assigned throughout the semester that involve finding popular and or peer reviewed research articles and answering a series of specific questions about each Each homework assignment will be worth 20 points and graded using specification grading This means that if you answer EACH AND EVERY question and meet the specified requirements you get 20 points If you do not answer each and every question and fail to meet the specified requirements you get 0 points You will be allowed to resubmit 1 assignment should you receive 0 points All homework assignments should be uploaded to HuskyCT Quizzes There will be two quizzes during the semester worth 10 points each Each quiz will be multiple choice and consist of material we cover in prior class meetings Quizzes will be administered asynchronously via HuskyCT and will be open note While you may use your notes no other person may help you during the quiz either in person or via any other form of electronic communication Quizzes must be completed at a specified time with a specified time limit If you have any issues with participating during the specified time please email me in advance for appropriate accommodation Cumulative Quiz A cumulative final quiz given will be given during the last lab meeting to assess understanding of course material throughout the semester The cumulative quiz will be administered via HuskyCT and must be completed during scheduled class time with a specified time limit If you have any issues with participating during the specified time please contact me in advance for appropriate accommodation Lab Schedule and Due Dates I reserve the right to change the schedule and due dates listed below accordingly as the semester progresses All changes will be communicated in an appropriate manner Assignments should be submitted to HuskyCT by 11 59pm on the due date listed PSYC 1100 Lab Schedule Topic Assignment Complete Mass Testing Survey Introduction to PSYC 1100 Lab Introduction to Participant Pool SONA Mass Testing Survey Psychology as a Natural Science Descriptive and Experimental Methods 1 Provide details of Assignment 1 Psychological Science Databases Finding Research Articles Provide details of Assignment 2 Finding Research Articles 2 approval Descriptive and Experimental Methods 2 Assignment 1 due at 11 59 pm Quiz 1 Methodological Terminology due at 11 59 pm SPRING BREAK Scientific Literacy 1 Assignment 2 due at 11 59 pm Scientific Literacy 2 UConn Psychological Sciences Provide details of Assignment 3 Quiz 2 Science Literacy and Using Databases due at 11 59 pm 10 4 2 Finding Research Articles 3 approval Wee k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Date 1 30 2 6 2 13 2 20 2 27 3 5 3 12 3 19 3 26 11 11 4 9 4 16 Finding Research Articles 3 approval Provide details of Cumulative Quiz Cumulative Quiz review Cumulative Quiz completed in class Assignment 3 due at 11 59 pm Make up Policy Things happen You will be allowed to make up a ONE late homework assignment OR b ONE homework assignment you received a 0 on OR c ONE late quiz for full credit You must complete this late freebie within one week of the initial due date Please contact me in advance if you need an extension or would like to use your one freebie and I will try to accommodate your request All other assignments or quizzes will receive a zero if not turned in on time All assignments and quizzes must be submitted by 12 1 no exceptions The make up policy does not apply to quizzes or assignments where you received a low grade or the final quiz Feedback and Grades I will make every effort to provide feedback and grades within one week To keep track of your performance in the lab please refer to My Grades in HuskyCT Attendance While attendance is not mandatory and is not incorporated into your grade in person attendance is strongly encouraged Attending weekly labs will increase your likelihood of performing well on assignments and quizzes I promise not to make it too painful You may even enjoy some of the discussions and materials we share in class Please stay home if you are feeling sick or test positive for COVID 19 If illness prevents you from attending class it is your
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