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FIRE FIGHTER MATHEMATICS EXAM 2024 WITH 100 ACCURATE SOLUTIONS Change the following fraction to a percentage 2 25 ANSWER A 0 18 B 2 5 C 8 D 25 Reasoning Choice C is correct C 48 cubic feet D 46 cubic feet Reasoning Answer C is correct To solve the problem multiply the fraction by 100 2 25 200 25 Then divide the fraction s bottom number into the top number 200 25 8 Add the percent sign 2 25 8 If a pile of fire wood is 6 feet long 4 feet high and 2 feet wide how many cubic feet is it ANSWER A 96 cubic feet B 18 cubic feet To calculate how many cubic feet of water can the tank hold you would multiply 6 x 4 x 2 48 cubic feet Flooring in an older house has three layers of plywood Each layer is a different thickness One layer is 1 2 inch thick a second layer is 3 8 inch thick and the total thickness is 1 3 4 inches What is the width of the third layer ANSWER A 7 8 inch B 1 2 inch First find the common denominator 8 Then convert all fractions 1 2 4 8 3 8 3 8 1 3 4 14 8 Add the first and second layer and then subtract the sum from the total thickness 4 8 3 8 7 8 14 8 7 8 7 8 inch Water container A holds 150 gallons of water when full Water container B holds 270 gallons of water when full If water container A is only 3 4 full and water container B is only 1 3 full how many more gallons of water are needed to fill both container to their limit ANSWER A 225 gallons B 217 5 gallons First you must find the number of gallons of water missing from each container water container A 1 4 water container B 2 3 Multiply by the number of gallons each truck holds when full water container A 150 1 4 x 150 37 5 gallons water container B 270 2 3 x 270 180 Now add the numbers of gallons missing to get the number of gallons needed to fill the water containers 37 5 180 217 5 gallons One gallon of water weighs 8 5 pounds If the water tank on a pumper truck holds 600 gallons of water when full how much does the water weigh ANSWER A 5 100 pounds B 6 850 pounds C 3 8 inch D 7 16 inch Reasoning Choice A is correct C 250 gallons D 215 5 gallons Reasoning Choice B is correct C 662 pounds D 5 350 pounds Reasoning To calculate the weight of the water multiply the volume of water by the weight per gallon 600 x 8 5 5 100 pounds In one year there were about 21 500 residential fires started by children playing with matches Of these incidents 11 350 children suffered third degree burns About what percent of these fires resulted in burns ANSWER A 49 B 51 To calculate the percentage of burns resulting from these fires you would first multiply 11 350 x 100 21 500 528 rounded to the nearest figure so 53 One gallon of water weighs about 8 5 pounds A 6 gallon tank of water would weigh ANSWER A 42 pounds To solve the problem you would multiply the weight of one gallon of water by the number of gallons in the container 8 5 x 6 51 pounds Change the following fraction to a percentage 9 30 ANSWER A 30 B 65 Choice A is correct C 53 D 47 Reasoning Choice C is correct B 51 pounds C 14 5 pounds D 8 5 pounds Reasoning Choice B is correct C 31 D 38 Reasoning Choice A is correct C 134 66 D 129 52 Reasoning Correct answer is A C 12 69 D 15 50 Reasoning Correct answer is A C 1 inch To solve the problem multiply the top fraction by 100 9 30 900 30 Then divide the fraction s bottom number into the top number 900 30 30 Add the percent sign 9 30 30 A firefighter went shopping for groceries for the fire station taking 150 00 and returned home with 18 38 How much money was spent on food ANSWER A 131 62 B 132 61 To solve the problem use subtraction 150 00 18 38 131 62 An anonymous donor gave 750 to a fire station to purchase a new television set The cost of the new television was 734 52 How much money was left over ANSWER A 15 48 B 18 97 To solve the problem use subtraction 750 00 734 52 15 48 A ladder rung is about 2 1 2 centimeters thick Convert this to inches 1 cm 0 39 inches ANSWER A 2 inches B 1 4 inch D 3 4 inch Reasoning Choice C is correct C 5 D 7 Reasoning Choice B is correct B 31 535 C 32 650 D 31 955 Reasoning Choice B is correct To calculate the thickness convert the fraction to a decimal and then multiply 2 5 x 0 39 0 975 rounded up to 1 inch There were 400 fires within the city limits last year 25 fires were suspected to be arson What is the percentage rate of suspected arson fires ANSWER A 8 B 6 To calculate the percentage of arson fires you must multiply 25 x 100 and divide by 400 Add the percent sign 25 x 100 2 500 400 6 25 Firefighter Smith has been promoted to assistant fire chief and has been given a raise He was earning 29 750 a year and has been given a 6 salary increase How much is he now making ANSWER A 30 500 There are three steps to solve this problem First convert 6 to a decimal 0 06 Multiply that by 29 750 to determine salary increase Finally add the result 1 785 29 750 31 535 If a firefighter worked 1 5 of a 40 hour week how many hours were worked ANSWER A 15 B 10 C 8 D 5 Reasoning C 6 D 4 25 Reasoning Choice D is correct C 16 D 20 Reasoning Choice B is correct To determine how many hours the firefighter worked 1 5 x 40 8 Choice C is correct During a fire the pump control gauge shows a pressure of 360 pounds per square inch psi at 12 30 p m By 1 10 p m the pressure had reduced to 190 psi What was the average psi loss per minute ANSWER A 11 B 5 To find the average psi loss per minute you must calculate the total amount of psi loss 360 190 170 psi Then determine the length of time 12 30 1 10 40 minutes Next divide the psi total by the number of minutes 170 40 4 25 Tom asks 8 friends to help him build a shed Each friend brings 2 helpers How many people built the shed excluding …

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Course: Nur 408-
Pages: 29
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