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FIRETEAM MATH PORTION NTN MATH NEW EXAM 2024 1000ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 20 950ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 19 900ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 18 850ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 17 800ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 16 15 sticks of hose is how many feet ANSWER 750ft 14 sticks of hose is how many feet ANSWER 700ft 13 sticks of hose is how many feet ANSWER 650ft 12 sticks of hose is how many feet ANSWER 600ft 11 sticks of hose is how many feet ANSWER 550ft 500ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 10 450ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 9 400ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 8 350ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 7 300ft of hose is how many sticks ANSWER 6 5 sticks of hose is how many feet ANSWER 250ft 4 sticks of hose is how many feet ANSWER 200ft 3 sticks of hose is how many feet ANSWER 150ft 2 sticks of hose is how many feet ANSWER 100ft There are 30 sections of hose 16 are taken off ANSWER 14 There are 30 sections of hose 8 are taken off ANSWER 22 There are 30 sections of hose 6 are taken off ANSWER 24 There are 30 sections of hose 21 are taken off ANSWER 9 There are 30 sections of hose 11 are taken off ANSWER 19 There are 30 sections of hose 17 are taken off ANSWER 13

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Course: Nur 408-
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