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Ethics and Ethnography in Anthropology Presented by Abigail Atiwag Ethics and Ethnography in Anthropology Ethics plays a crucial role in anthropological research especially in ethnographic studies that involve direct engagement with communities and individuals Here s an overview covering ethical considerations in anthropology reflexivity in ethnography and research ethics committees Ethical Considerations in Anthropology Informed Consent Anthropologists prioritize obtaining informed consent from research participants ensuring they understand the research purpose procedures risks benefits confidentiality measures and their right to withdraw from the study at any time Confidentiality Anthropologists uphold confidentiality by protecting the privacy and anonymity of research participants They safeguard sensitive information research data and personal identities to prevent harm or breaches of trust Researcher Bias Anthropologists strive to minimize researcher bias subjective interpretations preconceived notions and value judgments that may influence data collection analysis and representation of findings Cultural Sensitivit Anthropologists practice cultural sensitivity by respecting cultural norms beliefs values and traditions of the communities they study They seek to avoid cultural misinterpretations stereotypes exoticization or harm to cultural heritage Representation Ethics Anthropologists consider ethical issues related to representing research findings narratives voices and experiences of participants in a respectful accurate and culturally sensitive manner They engage in collaborative storytelling and participatory approaches to empower communities in shaping their own narratives Ethical Dilemmas in Fieldwork Anthropologists navigate ethical dilemmas such as conflicts of interest power differentials dual roles e g researcher and advocate competing ethical obligations and balancing research objectives with ethical responsibilities towards participants and communities Reflexivity in Ethnography Reflexive Ethnographic Practices Ethnographers engage in reflexivity reflecting on their own biases assumptions positionalities and subjectivities that may influence research processes and interpretations They acknowledge their roles as researchers their perspectives and their impact on the research context Self Awareness of Positionality Ethnographers recognize their positionalities as insiders or outsiders within the research setting They critically examine how their social identities backgrounds experiences and privileges shape their interactions perceptions and interpretations during fieldwork Insider Outsider Perspectives Ethnographers navigate insider outsider dynamics by building trust establishing rapport negotiating access and acknowledging their roles as cultural insiders with shared identities or outsiders with distinct identities in relation to the communities they study Collaborative Ethnography Ethnographers practice collaborative ethnography by involving participants as active collaborators co researchers and co authors in the research process They engage in participatory methods collaborative data analysis and reciprocal knowledge exchange to promote shared ownership of research outcomes Research Ethics Committees Institutional Review Boards IRBs Anthropologists adhere to ethical review processes governed by Institutional Review Boards IRBs or Research Ethics Committees RECs at academic institutions IRBs evaluate research proposals assess ethical risks ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and protect the welfare and rights of research participants Ethical Guidelines for Anthropological Research Anthropologists follow ethical guidelines established by professional organizations e g American Anthropological Association s Code of Ethics and disciplinary standards that emphasize respect for human dignity integrity honesty transparency and accountability in research practices Ethical Responsibilities Anthropologists have ethical responsibilities to promote research integrity social responsibility cultural respect beneficence non maleficence and justice in their research endeavors They engage in ongoing ethical reflection dialogue and education to enhance ethical awareness and ethical decision making in anthropological research By upholding ethical principles practicing reflexivity and engaging with research ethics committees anthropologists ensure ethical conduct integrity and ethical accountability in their ethnographic studies contributing to responsible and respectful research practices THANK YOU

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SLU SOC 120 - Ethics and Ethnography in Anthropology: Navigating Cultural Sensitivity and Research Integrity

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