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Hybrid model 2 different in class cohorts Spire ID 81347 and remote cohort via PUBHLTH 129 Health Care for All Myth or Reality School of Public Health Health Sciences University of Massachusetts Amherst Tuesdays Thursdays 4 00 5 15 PM Zoom Spire ID 84721 Four 4 Course Credits Zoom link for every class https umass amherst zoom us j 94757485415 and for Professor s Head TA Brittany Ranchoff office hours https umass amherst zoom us j 97934904898 Instructor John E Zeber PhD jzeber umass ed u TUES and THUR 1 00 2 30 by Appt Grad TA Allison Anderson ahanderson u mass edu by Appt branchoff umass e du by Appt nfinnerty umas s edu by Appt ameliabailey u mass edu by Appt Grad TA Nora Finnerty Grad TA Amelia Bailey Grad TA Serena Nally snally umass e du by Appt Nam e Email Offic e hour s faljizani umass edu Undergraduate TAs Name Firas Aljizani E mail Name Mackenzie Gilligan E mail mackenziegil umass edu Isla Kraft ikraft umass edu Charmaine Cadasse ccadasse umass edu Anna Cronin agcronin umass edu Gabrielle Dieu gdieu umass edu A CATALOG DESCRIPTION This course will offer an overview of the United States U S health care system with emphasis on issues relating to unequal access to health services An analysis of how the system should work Special attention to controversial issues including managed care and health insurance how other countries design health systems Gen Ed SB Diversity B COURSE DESCRIPTION The organization and financing of the health care delivery system in the United States is not necessarily a natural progression of modern democratic societies or an efficient market based system In fact it is inefficient and full of paradoxes the US spends more on health care than any other developed country but has the some of the worst health indicators of all Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD countries has some of the best medical technology and yet the most selective access to these technologies and a shortage of general practitioners that leads to the recruitment of foreign born doctors from middle income countries It is pertinent to understand how healthcare systems function and how policy legitimates the privatized US health care system More importantly as future public health practitioners healthcare providers and community organizers having some familiarity with the health implications of our current healthcare delivery system allows you to create better health interventions C REQUIRED TEXTS READINGS 1 The readings are a combination of journal articles and book chapters Book chapters will come from your required textbooks and additional readings will be available in a Moodle folder under each course module Required Textbooks Leiyu S and Singh D A 2019 Essentials of the US health care system 5th edition Jones Bartlett Publishers ISBN 13 978 1284156720 Stein M Galea S 2020 Pained Uncomfortable Conversations about the Public s Health Oxford University Press USA ISBN 13 978 0197510384 D LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND ASSOCIATED CEPH COMPETENCIES The purpose of this course is to provide you with the tools by which you can think critically about the current health care system and how it is performing with regards to addressing the needs of specific populations Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to Learning Objective 1 Describe factors associated with demand for health care services Associated CEPH Competencies o Competency 7 Determinants of Health behavioral biological environmental and other factors that impact human health contribute to health disparities Address the socio economic Learning Objective 2 Describe the economic and political foundation of the US health care system Associated CEPH Competencies o Competency 10 Health Policy Law Ethics and Economics Address the basic concepts of legal ethical economic and regulatory dimensions of health care and public health policy and the roles influences and responsibilities of different agencies branches of government Learning Objective 3 Describe the US health care system from a treatment facility provider perspective Associated CEPH Competencies o Competency 9 Overview of the Health System characteristics and organizational structures of the U S health system as well as to the differences in systems in other countries Address the fundamental Learning Objective 4 Describe the US health care system from a financing perspective Associated CEPH Competencies o Competency 9 Overview of the Health System characteristics and organizational structures of the U S health system as well as to the differences in systems in other countries Address the fundamental Learning Objective 5 Discuss public health approaches and population health challenges by examining more recent efforts to reform the health care system Associated CEPH Competencies o Competency 5 Identifying and Addressing Population Health Challenges Address the concepts of population health and the basic processes approaches and interventions that identify and address the major health related needs and concerns of populations E COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1 Respect for Diversity Respect is manifested in many ways and can have many definitions The enactment of respect that we will strive for in this course is to promote a 2 sense of consideration esteem reverence and understanding for your classmates and the instructor s abilities qualities and quarks One of the first demonstrations of respect is to come to both Tuesday and Thursday synchronous sessions on time If you come tardy to either session you may disrupt the flow of the course and miss the opportunity to join your group breakout activity The second demonstration of respect is participating in discussion Some of the topics presented in this course may be controversial for many people to learn So we will need to be respectful of your classmates ideas and experiences This means not using demeaning language i e slurs targeting ethnic racial minorities poor people gender and or sexual minorities or disabled persons or any insults to prove your point to your classmate s The third demonstration of respect in this learning space is to abstain from checking your social media updates personal emails and text messages outside of class The fourth most important demonstration of respect in this course is to listen watch prerecorded lectures and videos review slides and READ before class Instructors take a great deal of time to prepare a course Show some respect for their efforts and come prepared to

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UMass Amherst PUBHLTH 129 - Syllabus

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