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School of Molecular Cellular Biology MCB 150 Fall 2023 Molecular Cellular Basis of Life 4 Credit Hours Instructor Instructional Team MCB Instructional Program Office 127 Burrill Hall phone voicemail 244 6239 Melissa Reedy Coordinator for Instruction MCB 150 151 354 415 Burrill Hall email murray illinois edu office voicemail 217 265 6379 Brad Mehrtens Instructor MCB 150 email mehrtens illinois edu office voicemail 217 244 6753 Class Meeting Schedule all times are recorded in CST Lecture MWF from 2 2 50 PM Foellinger Auditorium Discussion for 50 minutes based on individual class schedule Professor Mehrtens Office Hours Wednesdays 4 5 30 PM Location 124 Burrill Hall Fridays 9 30 11 30 AM via Zoom TA Help Sessions Mondays 4 5 PM 105 Burrill Hall Wednesdays 9 10 AM 105 Burrill Hall Thursdays 10 11 AM 105 Burrill Hall Course Overview and Description MCB 150 is an introductory course focusing on molecular and cellular biology The course focuses on the basic structure metabolic and molecular processes common to all species In addition the course emphasizes unique aspects that differentiate broad sub groups of organisms and discusses how cells are integrated into tissues and organs in multicellular organisms This course is half of the two semester sequence in Biological Sciences for majors and non majors Course Prerequisites Requirements met general education major minor MCB 150 Molecular and Cellular Basis of Life Credit 4 hours Students should be enrolled in the lecture AL1 and a discussion section This course satisfies the General Education Criteria in SP23 Student Learning Outcomes At the end of the course through assignments discussions activities and assessments students will be able to demonstrate comprehensive understanding of secondary source material 1 articulate connections between course content and societal issues apply mathematical concepts to biological processes and phenomena analyze the validity of written scientific material describe the expression of genetic information explain intermolecular interactions and cell communication compare and contrast structure communication and stabilizing forces between cells illustrate the need for energy and the means to make it from all domains of life Course Calendar Week Date Topic Reading Assignment Due by 12 PM Noon CST every Monday Chapter 1 2 Week of August 21 Introduction to Biology MCB 150 Week of August 28 Organic Molecules Chemistry Background Chapter 3 Discussion Activities Assignments Letter Writing Scientific Thinking Macromolecule Assigned Macromolecule Presentations Quest 1 Reflection Week of September 4 September 11 Week of September 18 Week of September 25 Quest 1 September 1 Cell Origin Structure Membranes Enzymes Respiration Fermentation Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Week of Metabolism Energy Cell Respiration Cell Communication Chapter 9 Cell Communication DNA Organization Chapter 11 DNA Organization Replication Replication Production of mRNA Chapter 12 Week of October 2 Week of October 9 and Protein Mutations DNA Repair and Cancer Chapter 15 Gene Expression Podcast Groups Mutation DNA Repair and Cancer Podcasts Quest 2 September 15 Quest 3 September 29 Midterm Exam October 13 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 Week of October 16 Week of October 23 Non coding RNAs Chapter 13 Podcast Commentary Genetic Regulation Chapter 14 Genetic Regulation Quest 4 October 27 Week of October 30 Cytoskeleton Motor Proteins and The Cell Cycle Week of November 6 Epigenetics Linkage and Extranuclear Inheritance Chapter 16 Sections 1 2 Chapter 4 Section 4 Chapter 18 Mitosis Cancer Epigenetics 13 Week of The Genetics of November 13 Viruses and Bacteria Chapter 19 Vaccine Equity Quest 5 November 10 Fall Break Biotechnology Chapter 21 Biotechnology Revisiting Your Letter from Discussion 1 Week of November 20 Week of November 27 Week of December 4 Thursday December 7 Tuesday December 12 Quest 6 December 1 No new content delivered Final Exam Preparation Reading Day No Classes Final Exam 1 30 4 30 PM Section Change Add and Drop Information Students may use the UI Integrate Self Service System to add or change MCB 150 discussion sections before 5 00 PM Friday September 1 2023 Students must always attend the discussion section in which they are currently enrolled Students will not be allowed to sit in other sections at other times for any reason without permission from the course staff Friday October 13 2023 is the last day to drop the course or to elect the Credit No Credit option Students may use the UI Integrate Self Service System to drop MCB 150 until this deadline 3 To drop the course after the drop deadline students must petition a dean in their college office These petitions should be sent to the Course Coordinator for completion of attendance and grade information To elect the Credit No Credit option students must apply in their College Office Proficiency Exam Information The MCB 150 proficiency exam will be given on Tuesday August 29 2023 from 7 10 PM Students wishing to take the exam fill out the online request form by noon 12 00 PM the day of the exam You may not take a proficiency exam if any of the following apply A You have taken the proficiency exam for the given course previously B You have already completed the course C You were enrolled in the course and dropped after the campus drop deadline eighth week of the semester or withdrew from the course D You have completed more than one course in advance of the course in which the proficiency exam is requested This is stated in the Student Code 3 203 4 as An examination for credit in a college subject of elementary character is not granted to a student who has received credit for more than one semester of work in the subject in advance of the course in which the examination is requested Additional information regarding proficiency exams appears in Article 3 Part 2 3 203 Proficiency Examinations in the Code of Policies and Regulations Applying to All Students Request forms will be reviewed by the MCB Core Curriculum Office and students will receive a response via email Text Materials Information The following is a specific list of items required or recommended for MCB 150 These items should be available and should be listed correctly at the Illini Union Bookstore IUB They may not be available and it is not guaranteed they will be listed correctly at any other bookstore Please pay careful attention to dates and editions when purchasing these items Any items other than

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