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A P Biology Campbell Biology 11th ed AP version Sunflower book Ch 13 Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles Name Learning Objectives chromosome number to compare and contrast the two types chromosomes Know how they are different chromosome may have a range not a specific number and how the offspring compare genetically to the parent fusion of gametes Why would evolution favor sexual reproduction involving more than one parent Many organisms have evolved to require different parents 1 Differentiate between heredity and genetics 2 Know what most genes hold the ode to make 3 Know which organelles within a cell have genes DNA and where most of the DNA is housed 4 Differentiate between gametes and somatic cells 5 Know how many DNA molecules are in a chromosome and roughly how many genes a 6 Know the major characteristics of asexual reproduction what type of cell division is used 7 Know the major characteristics of sexual reproduction like you did for asexual and be able 8 Know that sexual reproduction does not require two different parents but does require the 9 The X and Y chromosomes do not follow the same general rules as most homologous pairs of 10 Differentiate between sex chromosomes and autosomes 11 Differentiate between diploid cells and haploid cells 12 Review the terms and concepts about chromosomes as shown in Figure 13 4 13 Know why it is important to use meiosis to make gametes in animals in terms of 14 Know the general life cycles of Kindom Animalia Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Fungi Know the general stages in order their ploidy and what process mitosis meiosis or syngamy is used to go from one stage to the next You should be able to draw the life cycles indicating all of these things See Figure 13 6 and Mr Esgar s notes 15 Compare the 3 types of life cycles and identify which cycles are dominated by haploid stages 16 Meiosis produces gametes in animal life cycles In other life cycles what is meiosis used to 17 Compare and contrast gametes and spores 18 Know what type s of division a diploid cell can use mitosis meiosis or both and what 19 Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis You may want to examine Figure 13 10 20 Be able to identify things that occur in meiosis that never occur in mitosis 21 Know the stages and main events of each stage of meiosis See Figure 13 8 and Mr Esgar s 22 Know that mutations in DNA are the original source of genetic diversity by creating new alleles in genes Meiosis doesn t create new alleles but shuffles different alleles into new combinations 23 Know and be able to describe how certain events in meiosis and sexual reproduction 24 Know that the formula 2n where n is the haploid number indicates the number of possible genetic combinations of chromosomes in the daughter cells as a result of independent assortment of chromosomes in Metaphase I without any crossing over contribute to genetic diversity among the offspring diploid stages or whether they are balanced type s a haploid cell can use produce notes they are held together after synapsis as tetrads 25 Know on average how many crossovers occur between homologous chromosomes when 26 Explain how random fertilization increases the genetic diversity of the offspring Key Vocabulary 1 heredity 2 genetics 3 genes 4 gametes 5 somatic cells 6 locus pl loci 7 asexual reproduction 8 clone 9 sexual reproduction 10 budding see Figure 13 2 11 life cycle 12 karyotype 13 homologous chromosomes homologs 14 sex chromosomes 15 autosomes 16 diploid 2n 17 haploid n 18 fertilization or syngamy 19 zygote 20 meiosis 21 alternation of generations 22 spores 23 sporophyte 24 gametophyte 25 meiosis I 26 meiosis II 27 alleles 28 crossing over 29 chiasmata 30 synapsis 31 synaptonemal complex 32 independent assortment of chromosomes 33 recombinant chromosomes

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