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POLS Chapter 8 Book Notes 10 27 12 Job of the Governor Governors Originally governors had very little power due to simple distrust by the people Recently governors have been granted greater powers Especially over appointments o Propose legislation o Implement regulations that help clear up how laws actually are applied to individuals o Are the strongest advocates and public relations people for their states o Governors outline their broad proposals in the inaugural and annual state of the state Chief Legislator addresses o Command state budgets EX Maryland s governor is the most powerful in setting a state budget Head of State Agencies o Governor has power to appoint them Chief Spokesperson for the State o Public face of the state o Promotes state s benefits and sells it to others to attract them Party Chief election o Governors help promote the presidential nominee of their party in the presidential Commander in Chief of the National Guard o Governor calls out units in times of natural disasters or riots o Federal government has final say over where units are deployed Powers of Governors Formal powers Powers explicitly granted to a governor according to state law such as vetoing legislation or appointing heads of state agencies o Power to appoint Governor s ability to pick individuals to run state government such as appointing cabinet secretaries Gives them greater authority to set policy Downside is appointing the wrong people Reward campaign contributors o Power to prepare state budgets Governor uses the budget process to override old agency decisions Governor can persuade its officials to fund priorities by threatening to withhold some percentage of its overall budget o Power to veto 2 3 required to override governor s veto Legislators work with governor to get a bill signed Line item veto Reject a portion of a bill o Power to grant pardons o Power to call special sessions Legislators can deal only with the issues the governor wants addressed Legislators resent this and sometimes do nothing until they can go home Informal powers Things a governor is able to do such as command media attention or persuade party members based on personality or position not on formal authority o Popular support Legislators go along with a popular governor s program or idea because they believe that is what most voters want Governors are more likely to grant favors to legislators of their own party or More likely to have bills passed and stay on the party lines Don t have to o Party support in the legislature raise money for them compromise with the other party o Ability to communicate Governors have to find balance between appealing to the capital insiders and the public at large Becoming Governor and Staying Governor Wilder of VA and Patrick of MA are the only two black governors to be elected Factors driving gubernatorial elections o Majority of governors are elected on even numbered off years o Voters are more likely to vote for the person than the party for the governor Keeping and leaving office o Office of governor is pretty stable They usually get reelected by a margin that tops 70 Impeachment Process by which the legislature can remove executive branch officials such as the governor or judges from offices for corruption or other reasons Recall election A special election allowing voters to remove an elected official from office before the end of his or her term Term limits NH and VT are the only states with a two year term Other Executive Offices Lieutenant Governor Attorney General o Major influence in the 1990 s cases against tobacco companies o Generally been democrats with campaigns funded by trial lawyers

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TAMU POLS 207 - POLS Chapter 8 Book Notes

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