AMH 2020 0001 page 1 February 10 2015 The Automobile Mercedes Mercedes Benz Louis Chevrolet o Largest car sales o Builds one car that Durant rejects and being impractical o Builds a family car instead of the one person and it becomes one of the most popular cars Dodge Brothers o Made car bodies for Henry Ford until 1914 o Then they make the Dodge Reliable and built to last car o Do some of the first film commercials o Run cars into a ram to show how tough the car was Now the line is just called RAM Henry Ford o Doesn t invent automobile o Comes along 30 years late to automobile industry o Creates the assembly line to move along People have a single designated task o Builds an affordable car for the everyday person Not fancy efficient Plow attachment stump removal attachment stove attachment AMH 2020 0001 page 2 Sells huge numbers and soon Ford has of the automobile industry o Henry Ford s best friend was Adolf Hitler He s stubborn and believes he has the perfect car with the model T Had fights with anyone he ever partnered with o Ford almost destroys his company o Ford first to develop trucks Farmer oriented man Grabowsky Brothers o Bought out by General Motors o Grabowsky Motor Corporation GMC Oldsmobile First Mass produced car Ransom E Olds o 1895 begins mass producing first American car Becomes corner stone for General Motors o Loves to name things after himself o Moves to Oldsmare in Tampa area Buick o Gets nothing from selling to General Motors o Only had 17 cars William Durant Founder of General Motors o Goes to automakers to buy their company Doesn t have cash but gives them blocks of stock o Begins buying dozens of auto companies o Sells out to General Motors upwards of 20 of General Motors stock o Decides to get back into business and creates the REO which doesn t make it AMH 2020 0001 page 3 o Tries to establish a monopoly 1908 there s a recession and he loses control of General Motors o Decides to partner with French race car driver Louis Chevrolet The first car was unsuccessful but the family car was great Sold to General Motors but later relinquished stock in recession Studebaker o One of the oldest families in America 1840s they made condestoga wagons Wagons that the wagon trains used going west o Couldn t get into the big 3 monopoly so they closed in 1963 o Left with a factory o Money from 1840s decision Sold for a fortune to make military Hummers Didn t blow money trying to compete they shut down as a business o Exclusive rights to sell the Mercedes Benz car in the United States Walter Chrysler Fisher brothers o Picks up car companies that he likes o Make the first car bodies for General Motors The Automobile Allowed people to extend their living range beyond a few blocks First cars come out of Europe o Radio television cars and all movie filming comes out of Europe AMH 2020 0001 page 4 o Otto Diesel and Benz and Dimler were all German Mercedes s is a little girl whose name was given to the car as a nickname Blitz Benz was a big seller before nazi s began Blitzing everywhere Bombing Benz Started with motorcycle then creates a three wheel automobile called the Izetta o Got out of the Izetta by opening the front 1870 1880 early Automobile age Cars used to weigh 100lbs to 50 lbs o 2 bikes welded together with something on top constituted a car Wright Brothers built original plane on bike frames 1895 Horse less carriage magazine was the early name for the automobile o Said the automobile was coming o No more accidents traffic jams less street noise Over 2 thousand automobile makers in the history of American Automobile o 9 or 10 still standing today Steam electric and gasoline powered cars o As early as 1900 there were 1600 steam cars 1800 electric cars and 900 gasoline o A steam powered car in 1906 a steam powered car gets up to 127 mph Flagler s early hotels are built inland away from the beach because people didn t want to tan and look like they were a laborer People come to Oramond to try to impress the millionares who were friends with rich o Drivers hoped that a successful run would convince millionaires to invest in their cars AMH 2020 0001 page 5 o Racing on beach continues up until 1860 until track is built Steam cars lose out because of incident at oramond o When steam cars get in an accident it looks horrible and people don t want to get Electric car engines are just stuck on and so in the rain the car would die and people involved would mess with battery in the rain There were lots of smaller car dealers makers until the depression when a lot go out of WW2 saves the remaining small car makers o They get government contracts to build weapons and vehicles for the war 1950s the scale of economics at Chrysler Ford and Dodge make it tough for small business businesses o Came out with new models every year whole new look Very expensive the big three can do it but not the little ones Little guys cars look outdated Little guys come out with AC Compact cars and semi compact cars However the Big three start doing what the little guys do so that they can t compete
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