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11 21 2014 Anthropology 2200 Agriculture and Human Health Corn lacking several amino acids Needs to be supplemented with other resources Populations lack the resources Milk Biological Adaptations Food o Became very soft o Don t need large masticatory muscles o Bones become smaller o Smaller mandibles can t fit in the same amount of teeth resulting in dental crowding More Dental Changes Increase in dental caries o Bacterial fermentation of carbs o Can penetrate the root of the tooth and cause an access o More common in agricultural societies One more tooth related problem Linear enamel hypoplasia o Stress lines in the teeth o Body will stop making enamel during stress More bands more stress during childhood More biological changes Work load on body decreases o Less robust long bones o Leads to osteoarthritis 11 21 2014 Anthropology 2200 Competition for Resources Competition for resources o Violence o Organized warfare Spread of Disease Overcrowding o Easily spread disease o More unsanitary Infectious Disease Treponemal Disease o Syphilis Yaws Bejel Pinta Periostitis o Infection of bone Tuberculosis Bacterial infection as well Childhood Problems Higher instances of anemia o Iron deficiency in the diet o Reduction in the growth and development o Bones Porotic Cibra Orbitalia 11 21 2014 Gradual decline in population health and quality of life Hunter gatherer Agriculturalists Anthropology 2200 Consequences Infection Low Dental caries low Hypoplasia Low Anemia Low High high High High Development normal Reduced Adult Height Normal Reduced

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OSU ANTHROP 2200 - Agriculture and Human Health

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