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Neighborhood Public Policy Assignment The scenario involved Marcus Young who was hit by a speeding car in the neighborhood driven by a teenage boy named Charles In the scenario Marcus was not paying attention to where he was going because a dog was chasing him He then rode out between two parked cars and was stuck by the car The incident represented a public safety issue according to Michigan Safe Kids Coalition bicycles are associated with more childhood injuries than any other consumer product except the automobile Angie Young was very upset and outraged when the teenager that hit Marcus was let off with just the loss of his driving licenses until age 20 She felt something more needed to be done to insure the safety of her children in the neighborhood As a citizen she participated in the legislative process by writing a letter to her congress women complaining about the speed limit Ms Young questioned the law maker on what could be done to reduce speeding cars in her neighborhood Ms Young s congress women suggested a campaign petition to install speed bumps on her street This scenario demonstrates how the legislative process influences public health when a citizen complains to a law maker about an issue that is important to them Ms Young collected 500 signatures for his petition which demonstrates that speeding in residential neighborhoods is a public safety concern for the Neighborhood citizens Pedestrian and bicycle safety comes under public safety as many communities have laws that require children to wear safety gear such as helmets and pads while riding bicycles The role of government in public health care is shaped by both the needs and demands of its citizens and by the citizen s beliefs and values about personal responsibility and self sufficiency Stanhope Lancaster 2008 p 168 The Neighborhood Council went with the majority of voters in an attempt to prevent further conflict The Council acted appropriately to protect the rights of the majority of the citizens who have a different opinion on the issue of speed bumps The majority of voters are concerned with damage to their cars They may feel that Ms Young is responsible for supervising Marcus while riding his bike It is the parent s responsibility to teach their children bicycle safety and act as positive role models by not speeding wearing bike helmets and safety belts In the scenario Ms Young and her proponents of speed bumps in the neighborhood could have went to the media with their cause and put public pressure on council members By doing research on accident statistics of autos versus pedestrian and presented the information to the council members based on evidence based research why speed bumps save lives They could have contacted the local Department of Health for assistance on public safety policy and how to address the health hazards of speeding and bicycles A person can influence public health policy by gaining supporters for their cause joining or forming organizations such as MADD Mothers Against Drunk Drivers By using the media petitions pickets and letters to lawmakers to all branches of government people can influence public policy at all levels of government By having an objective strategies and a plan of action individuals or groups can exercise enormous pressure on government to make policies in their interest Such as raising awareness of pedestrian and bicycle safety by developing public service announcements a media campaign as well as developing and providing educational materials for law enforcement By educating motorists bicyclist and pedestrians on proper and predictable behavior by developing and distributing educational materials on bicycle safety Michigan Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Action Plan 2009

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UOPX NUR 408 - Neighborhood Public Policy Assignment

Course: Nur 408-
Pages: 2
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